Sports Medicine and Injury Care Journal

Scientific Indexing Services ID: 6770

Sports Medicine and Injury Care Journal with ISSN:2689-8829 is an open access, online based, peer-reviewed scholarly scientific international journal. The journal is dedicated with the spirit of publications on sports science skill advancement, sport injuries treating with exercise science or surgeries, and application of biomedicine with remedial strategies in alleviating sports aftermath or havoc from children to adults.

The journal emphasizes scientific assessment, study and understanding of sports performance with modern technical improvement featuring on sports injuries prevention and treatment, exercise for health development, drugs use and misuse in sports avoiding doping cases and recommendations for training and nutrition, etc.. The journal aims to create awareness among physicians, sports medicine specialists, physiotherapists, exercise physiologists, team doctors and trainers involved in the sphere of sports science and kinesiology.

Sports Medicine and Injury Care Journal correlates its article publishing in the realm of original research articles, review articles, short communications, case reports, and clinical studies in all areas of sports medicine, injury care with recent updates of therapies and patient management trends. Being research oriented journal for research scholar involved in innovative and expeditious studies in sports science it relates its latest publications on some new concepts on sports injury care management also.

Covered Highlighted Topics

The journal encourages submitting manuscripts on topics relevant to: Back Pain Relief; Basic Biomechanics of Tissue Injury; Biomechanical Principles and Biomechanical Analysis; Brain Injuries; Chiropractic Adjustment; Degenerative Joint Disease and Musculoskeletal disorder; General Practice; Emergency Medicine; Epidemiology of Sports Injuries; Ibromyalgia Treatment; Functional Anatomy; Herniated Disc Treatment; Hip Replacement; Massage Therapy; Nuclear Medicine, Diagnostic Techniques, and Other Imaging methods; Pain Management; Physical Therapy; Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation; Physiology of Training, / Development of Strength and Power; Protective Headwear and Facial Protection in Sports; Female Athletes; Psychological Aspects of Injury in Sport; Sciatica; Specific Injuries Including Shoulder, Knee and Meniscus Subjects; Spinal Decompression; Sports Cardiology; Sports Traumatology; Sport Injury and Reconstruction; Sport Injury Diagnosis, and Soft Tissue Management; Sport Injury Prevention and Injury Repair Process; Orts Chiropractic; Sports Nutrition; Sports Orthopedic; Sports Physiology; Sports, Travelling and Climatic Condition; Surgical Techniques for the Knee; Shoulder, Elbow, and Ankle; Trauma; Whiplash Injury

Current Issue

Category: Medical
Article Type: Research Article
Can Congruent Arc Latarjet Procedure Be Done On Indian Population?

Author(s): Nikhil Joseph Martin, Karthik M Selvaraj, David V Rajan, CJB Gnanaraj

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