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Herald Scholarly Open Access is successfully running 73+ peer-reviewed open access journals in the fields of Clinical, Medical, Chemistry and Pharmaceuticals and also published 1500+ articles indexed in various sites and also cited by various authors around the world. View All Journals

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Natural Spawning of Pigfish <em>Orthopristis Chrysoptera</em> in Captivity and Predictors of Egg and Larval Quality
Research Article
Natural Spawning of Pigfish Orthopristis Chrysoptera in Captivity and Predictors of Egg and Larval Quality

Author(s): Jason S. Broach,Cortney L. Ohs,Nancy E. Breen

A Black Ear in A HIV Patient
Case Report
A Black Ear in A HIV Patient

Author(s): Camila Félix,Augusta Basantes,Paola Cáceres,Andrea Hidalgo,Andrea Cueva,Santiago Palacios,Nathalie Lascano

When an Exanthem Misleads the Diagnosis: Association of Incomplete Kawasaki and COVID-19, A Case Report
Case Report
When an Exanthem Misleads the Diagnosis: Association of Incomplete Kawasaki and COVID-19, A Case Report

Author(s): Paola Cáceres Andrade,Augusta Basantes Orbea,Camila Félix Caviedes,Andrea Cueva,Jorge Bonifaz,Carlos Cepeda,Vanessa Dávalos

Robic Socially Assistive Robot Enables Upper Extremity Endurance Training in Spinal Cord Injured Children
Research Article
Robic Socially Assistive Robot Enables Upper Extremity Endurance Training in Spinal Cord Injured Children

Author(s): Miriam Salas-Monedero,José- Fernando Jiménez-Díaz,Victor Cereijo-Herranz,Elisa López-Dolado,Yolanda Pérez-Borrego,Ana DelosReyes-Guzmán,Ángel Gil-Agudo,Raquel Madroñero-Mariscal,José-Carlos Pulido-Pascual,Fuensanta García-Martín

Rural and Underserved Communities Most Vulnerable to the Rise in Methamphetamine
Short Commentary
Rural and Underserved Communities Most Vulnerable to the Rise in Methamphetamine

Author(s): Elswick DE

Effects of Practicing Baduanjin on Cognitive Function and the Traditional Chinese Medicine Constitution for Mild Cognitive Impairment
Research Article
Effects of Practicing Baduanjin on Cognitive Function and the Traditional Chinese Medicine Constitution for Mild Cognitive Impairment

Author(s): Ziqiu He,Xiaoyu Wu,Ichiro Akiguchi,Teruaki Kawasaki,Masanori Hosokawa


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