Journal of Community Medicine & Public Health Care Category: Medical Type: Research Article

Diploma Course: “The Social Smoking Cost in the National Economy”, A Necessary and Appliable Tool

Fé Fernández Hernández1* and Efraín Sánchez González1
1 University of medical science of havana, Faculty of Medical Science “10 de Octubre”, Havana, Cuba

*Corresponding Author(s):
Fé Fernández Hernández
University Of Medical Science Of Havana, Faculty Of Medical Science “10 De Octubre”, Havana, Cuba
Tel:+53 78791313,

Received Date: Aug 13, 2019
Accepted Date: Aug 23, 2019
Published Date: Aug 30, 2019


Introduction: The smoking economic control is a prioritized strategic for the diminution of tobacco and cigarettes consumption. In the real Cuban context it evidence insufficient knowledge in economic subject by Public Health workers especially from the health workers related with the smoking control actions. In consequence it is necessary apply to the Superior Medical Education to contribute to a better professional education for the human resources related directly with the smoking control.

Objective: Create a diploma course about the smoking economic control.

Materials and methods: The teoricals methods used were the analysis and synthesis, the comparative and the inductive deductive. Like empiric method was used the bibliographic research.

Results: The diploma course “The smoking’s social costs” is an answer from the necessity to improve the postgraduate formation from human resources hardly committed with the smoking control. This course explains smoking since a socioeconomic point of view with special emphasis in the social costs attributable to this risk factor. By itself the diploma course introduces an integral view of the smoking control and should be interesting for economists and accountants too.

Conclusion: The diploma course takes account the particularities from the health sector respect to the postgraduate education necessities about the smoking economic control. Also, the diploma structure is according to the regulations established for it.


Economic control; Postgraduate education; Smoking


The often social changes, the globalization, the population ageing and the epidemiologic context are determining important transformations in the politic, social and economic context. This situation imposes new challenges to the Public Health like sector responsible for the save, guarantee and promotion of better life styles [1].

An important example about that is the smoking control. This risk factor is present in much of the no-transmissible illness. Also, it is an important cause of mortality in all social contexts. These are some of the mail reason by which the smoking control focuses a main attention from the Public Health [2].

The World Health Organization introduces the smoking economic control like main strategic across the MPOWER Program to insider in the diminution of the tobacco consumption. This is because of the own smoking characteristic like risk factor favors the application of economic policies for the smoking control [2,3].

The smoking economic control in Cuba is weakening by the insufficient knowledge from the professional from the public Health front of economic arguments in favor to the tobacco and cigarettes sales. Also, the Cuban Public Health is limited by the difficult from the methods of estimation of smoking cost and the unknown of the smoking cost over the national economy [4-12].

This situation is in opposite position from the Public Health, the Cuban economies ministries and important international organizations like PAHO for example. These institutions apply or closer relations in favor to the smoking control where the economic control plays an important role [13-19].

It is important that the human resources from the health sector be sufficiently competitive to demonstrate the damages from smoking over the health and the economy too. By this way the health sector will be capable to suggest economics strategic for the smoking control and will gain in methodological and practical sufficiency advancing to a better smoking control [20-23].

To obtain that superiority in the postgraduate education it is necessary apply to the Superior Medical Education to contribute to a better professional education from the humans resources directly related with the smoking control. The strategies for the professional education are created with the objective of provide solutions to several problems emerged from the everyday life in the possible less time. These may obtain several qualitative changes since show the contradictions between the real context and the optimal context. That’s why it is necessary a conscious planning process across actions focused to obtain the projected objective. These strategies can combine different forms of postgraduate education in correspondence to the main objective [24].


Create a diploma course about the smoking economic control.


The teoricals methods used were the analysis and synthesis, the comparative and the inductive deductive. Like empiric method was used the bibliographic research.


In Cuba, Economy, Superior Education and Health must adopt a mutually positive position around the smoking economic control. For that, the research of smoking costs will create better social and academic conditions for a better smoking control.

The pre graduate forming of economists in Cuba don’t include to the Health Economy like subject to research. By other side, the pre graduate forming in Health Science don’t include to Health Economy neither. Also, the postgraduate forming in Health Economy is insufficient yet.

That’s why the professional who be working for the smoking economic control and the smoking costs research must receive appropriate trainer courses which may obtain a higher knowledge homologation from the Health Economy and from this science contribute to a better research about the smoking costs and the smoking economic control [25].

The form of postgraduate education to create must go into depth of student abilities to gain efficiency using the economic tools in favor to the economic smoking control. The time to apply the strategic must be the necessary according to the main objective. Can’t be less because it is necessary a sufficient time for the learning process. Neither must be longer because the knowledge obtained must be applied as soon as possible with touchable results. That’s why the form of postgraduate education selected was the diploma course.

Like form of postgraduate education the diploma has the main objective of obtain the specialization in a special knowledge area and conduce to the acquisition of knowledge and academic, scientific and professional abilities in any step from the professional development according to the own professional necessities. The diploma course is composed by several courses related between them and finishes making a research to defend front of a panel of judges.

The diploma course “The smoking’s social costs” is an answer from the necessity to improve the postgraduate formation from human resources hardly committed with the smoking control. This course explains smoking since a socioeconomic point of view with special emphasis in the social costs attributable to this risk factor. The whole diploma course is according to the real necessity of create general and particular strategies for the smoking control.

The diploma course is composed by 11 courses related between them. The system of subject planned is introduced in a way that the previous subject constitutes a precedent for the following subject. The courses 1, 2 and 3 are beginners respect to the smoking economic research. The courses 4 and 5 are focused on the direct cost attributable to smoking, the courses 6, 7 and 8 are focused on the indirect cost attributable to smoking and the courses 9 and 10 are about the inequity attributable to smoking. Finally the 11 course is about the use of the economic policies for the smoking control. The diploma’s container is displayed in the following table 1.

 Table 1: Diploma’s container.

The professional graduated will be capable to difference with high precision the economic responsibility of smoking in the society and the economy. It will be able to suggest specific and general strategies for the smoking economic control in the researched population. Also, will has available new knowledge that may be more critic and objective in the smoking economic control.

The form of postgraduate education introduced is contextualized because

  1. is in correspondence with specific necessities from the health sector
  2. is consequent with the national social policy
  3. assist the teoricals and methodological forming for the smoking economic control
  4. is flexible according to the order and the sequence of the contain
  5. can be adapted to other context where be present the condition for the which was made
  6. is feasibility the implementation of the diploma course.

These characteristics guarantee the needed methodological conditions for that the student can be benefited wholly from the diploma course.

Since itself the diploma course introduces an integral view from the smoking economic control. This particular form of postgraduate education can be interesting for economists and accountants too which must be agree with the principles of the smoking economic control. The main methodological fortitude is in the correspondence with the legal context from the Cuban postgraduate education and the Advanced Education too [26].

Although the student should has the opportunity to choose which course receive, it is recommendable receive all course to be benefited from the integral projection about smoking cost in the national economy subjected in the diploma course.


The diploma course takes account the particularities from the health sector respect the postgraduate education necessities’ about the smoking economic control. Also, the diploma structure is according to the regulations established for it.


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Citation: Hernández FF, González ES (2019) Diploma Course: “The Social Smoking Cost in the National Economy”, A Necessary and Appliable Tool. J Community Med Public Health Care 6: 052.

Copyright: © 2019  Fé Fernández Hernández, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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