Journal of Nanotechnology Nanomedicine & Nanobiotechnology Category: Medical Type: Research Article

Efficacy of Bentonite Nanoparticles against Necrotic Enteritis in Broiler Chickens

Mohammad A. Al-Faqieh1*
1 Animal expert, Agriculture and Livestock Department / Sharjah Government - UAE.Dirctor, Biotechnology Research Program at National Center for Research and Development, The Higher Council for Science and Technology, Amman 11941, Jordan

*Corresponding Author(s):
Mohammad A. Al-Faqieh
Animal Expert, Agriculture And Livestock Department / Sharjah Government - UAE.Dirctor, Biotechnology Research Program At National Center For Research And Development, The Higher Council For Science And Technology, Amman 11941, Jordan

Received Date: Aug 12, 2024
Accepted Date: Aug 23, 2024
Published Date: Aug 30, 2024


This study was conducted at the University of Jordan, in the poultry research facility located at Almuwaqar research station. The study aimed to investigate the impact of different concentrations of Aqueous Suspension of Bentonite Nanoparticles (ASBN) on the productive performance, carcass characteristics, intestinal morphology and oocyte shedding in broiler chickens infected with Necrotic Enteritis (NE) compared with the control. 

A total of 300, Ross 308 broiler chickens were distributed into five treatments, with three replicates per treatment. Treatment 1 was the negative control, T2 (positive control; infected with C. Perfringens but not treated), T3 (C. Perfringens-infected and treated with antibiotic), while T4 and T5 were infected with C. Perfringens and received 2%, and 4% ASBN, respectively. The C. Perfringens challenge was achieved by infecting sporulated Eimeria spp at 7 days of age followed by C. Perfringens inoculation at 14 days for age. The rearing period was divided into 2 phases: starter diet (1-14 days) and grower diet (15-28 days). The diet in this experiment was antibiotic-free and coccidostate-free. There was no significant difference (P? 0.05) between the treatments in BW at 7 and 14 days of age. However, results showed a significant difference in birds BW between the treatments at day 28 of age. On day 28, the highest significant BW was for T5 (4% ASBN) which was 1702.13g. The results showed a significant difference (P < 0.05) in birds BWG on day 28 of age. The maximum (P < 0.05) BWG was for T5 (4% ASBN) which was 1185.53g and total body weight gain was 1662.60g. On the other hand, there were no significant difference between the treatment groups in FI, FCR, and CC. Treatment two (positive control group) exhibited the maximum (P < 0.05) rate of oocyte fecal egg shedding compared with other treatments. In contrast, T5 (4% ASBN) showed the lowest rate of oocytes fecal count. Intestinal histology data showed a significant difference between treatments as T5 (4%ASBN) showed the maximum (P < 0.05) villus height, villus width, crypt depth and villus surface area. Results showed that the highest (P < 0.05) rate of lesion scoring was in the positive control group followed by compared with the control group. 

In conclusion, the experiment revealed that administering ASBN at a concentration of 2% and 4% enhanced growth performance, improved intestinal histology, reduced intestinal lesion scores, and decreased fecal oocyte count in broiler chickens infected with C. perfringens. Notably, ASBN exhibited a significant reduction in the deleterious effects induced by C. perfringens challenge, thereby positively influencing the growth performance of challenged birds. This implies that ASBN has the potential to be employed as a control measure for C. perfringens infection in broiler chickens.


Bentonite nanoparticles; Broiler chickens; Necrotic enteritis; Intestinal histology


Nanotechnology is commonly characterized by dimensions ranging from approximately 1 to 100 nanometers (nm). This classification is grounded in the fundamental unit of measurement, the nanometer, denoted as Nano (109 meters), which is 1,000,000,000 times smaller than a meter [1]. 

The essence of nanotechnology is rooted in its application to address unresolved scientific inquiries in the realms of chemistry, physics, biology, and medicine. Scholars have formally conceptualized nanotechnology concerning nanometer-scale measurements [2-4]. While the utilization of nanotechnology in the aforementioned scientific domains remains relatively constrained, recent developments underscore its potential as an advanced tool for elucidating enigmatic phenomena and addressing unresolved issues in animal production and health [5]. 

The poultry industry is one of the most important pillars of food security in world. This sector provides achievable and affordable animal protein. It is considered the main source of protein all over the world [6]. It is well known that this sector faces many problems mainly those related to infectious diseases. Infectious diseases of poultry are generally controlled by vaccines and treated by antibiotics. 

Growing demand for poultry meat production forced producers to enhance birds’ growth at maximum rates, which can be achieved by the prevention of diseases and enhancement of growth by using sub-therapist doses of antibiotics used as growth promoters (AGP) [7]. Antibiotics Residues negatively affect human health and develop bacterial resistance [8]. These concerns have led to prohibition of use of antibiotics or AGP in animals’ feed in Jordan (the Jordanian Standards JS 7/2014, and the Ministry of Agriculture 10/1/7860/2020) and many other countries of the world. 

Necrotic enteritis (NE) is a bacterial infection disease of poultry caused by gram-positive bacteria, genus Clostridium perfringens, (types A and C), characterized by patches of necrotic tissue on the intestinal epithelium [9]. NE disease in broiler chickens usually appears between the ages of 2 and 5 weeks. C. perfringens is divided into five toxinotypes (A, B, C, D, and E), based on the presence or absence of four major toxin genes (alpha-, beta-, epsilon- and iota-toxins) in chickens, necrotic enteritis is caused mainly by type A strains [10, 11]. However, NE is an enteric disease of poultry caused by C. perfringens, gram-positive bacteria, (types A and C), characterized by patches of necrotic tissue on the intestinal epithelium [9, 12]. In a healthy bird C. perfringens population is almost less than 105 colony-forming units (CFU) / g digesta. Therfore, increased number of C. perfringens more than 105 cuf / g intestinal content infection of NE occurens [13]. 

Necrotic enteritis (NE) caused by C. perfringens is one of the most occurring intestinal diseases which causes severe loss in the poultry industry [14]. Due to which, economic losses occur such as high mortalities, treatment costs, heavy use of antibiotics, and a sharp reduction in weight gains and market value of the affected poultry [15]. The annual NE related economic losses have increased from two to six billion United States Dollars (USD) in your globally because it is difficult to diagnose and control disease at the early stage of occurrence [16-19]. 

Several risk factors for NE have been identified, including stress, because stress alters the intestinal environment and increases the risk of induction, it could be a risk factor for NE in broiler chickens [20]. The occurrence and severity of NE lesions are increased by heat stress. Heat stress significantly increases the number of NE-positive birds and the severity of NE lesions in challenged birds [21]. However, coccidiosis is the most common risk factor, and it is caused by coccidial pathogens Eimeria spp that damage the intestinal mucosa [22, 23] reported that the gut microbiota and immune system of the bird can also be significantly altered by Eimeria infection, which increases the likelihood of C. perfringens colonization. Coccidiosis is as define a parasitic chicken's broiler disease, which is caused by Eimeria spp. and causes losses to the global economy [24]. 

NE and Coccidiosis are enteric diseases caused by the bacterial pathogen Clostridium perfringens and the coccidial protozoan genus Eimeria. Coccidiosis is a major parasitic disease caused by Eimeria (E) protozoa. E. acervulina, E. maxima, and E. tenella are the species that affect broiler chickens. These species cause typical lesions in the duodenum, jejunum, and cecum, respectively, and have the highest occurrence in broiler flocks, which are commonly monitored; also Coccidiosis plays an important role in the development of NE [25]. 

Elevated levels of indigestible, water-soluble, non-starch polysaccharides in the diet increase the incidence of NE. Wheat, barley, and rye for example, are risk factors for NE, whereas corn is not [26-28]. High levels of animal protein in the diet, such as fishmeal, have also been linked to an increase in the occurrence of NE [29]. The dietary fat source may also have an impact on the count of C. perfringens. When compared to vegetable oil, animal fat increases C perfringens counts [30, 31] reported that higher stocking density reduces bird welfare, as evidenced by lower production, poorer litter quality, and increases in footpad lesions, infectious mortality, fear, and stress. Impacts of housing densities on Gastro Intestinal Tract (GIT) environment in negativaly by increasing the risk of NE occurrence, also the rise in the number of birds per unit area causes stress in the birds, which eventually leads to NE [32]. Tsiouris [21] showed that heat stress has a negative impact on NE and gut health. However, the use of AGP was also considered responsible for increased the spread of NE disease [33]. 

In poultry, antibiotics such as tylosin, bacitracin, lincomycin, penicillin, and tetracycline are commonly used for the prevention and treatment management of C. perfringens-induced neonatal diarrhea and NE [34]. Antibiotics are the primary treatment and control strategy for necrotic enteritis in broiler chickens [35]. 

Bentonite is a natural clay material, abundant in Jordan, has low cost, safe, and convenient for use in broiler chickens [36]. The antibacterial properties of bentonite have been confirmed [37]. The term "bentonite" refers to the clay mineral montmorillonite in its practical form [38]. Most bentonite deposits are formed as a result of volcanic ash alteration, primarily in damp or wet conditions, or as a result of primary rock decomposition in water [39]. One of the primary characteristics of bentonite clay is its ability to absorb water. The degree of hydration and swelling that result is determined by the kind of exchangeable ions that are present, each having varied hydrophilic and solvating qualities [40]. Bentonite clay powder is a good stabilizing agent because it fills the voids between sand particles and reduces the amount of free water in the voids, increasing sand mass strength [41]. 

The nanoparticle dosage form of bentonite is a new innovative application in this field, due to their healing and antimicrobial properties bentonites are vastly used in the pharma, cosmetics and agriculture industry [42]. Their antibacterial activity came from their remarkable high cation exchange capacity, high surface area, high swelling capacity, high water dispersibility, high absorption capacity, and non-toxic properties [37]. In addition, the nanoparticles of bentonites have large surface areas which increase their ability to absorb toxins produced by microorganisms. 

Finding alternative therapy to antibiotics is considered challenging and of high importance. In this study, NE was induced by infecting broilers with coccidia and C. perfringens, while the nanoparticles of bentonite were evaluated as an alternative to antibiotic treatment. The availability of bentonite in world in huge amounts. Moreover, bentonite has no negative effects on human health and it might resolve the problem of antibiotic residues in poultry products. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the impact of bentonite nanoparticles on the productive performance, carcass characteristics, intestinal morphology and oocyte shedding in broiler chickens infected with C. perfringens compared with the control of broiler chickens.

Materials And Methods

Birds and housing, Experimental Design 

This study was conducted at the poultry farm belonging to the University of Jordan in Almuwaqar research station. A total of 300 one-day-old broiler chicks (Ross 308) were provided by a commercial hatchery. The chicks were randomly allocated into 5 treatments in a completely randomized design (CRD) with three replicates (pens) per treatment and 20 birds per replicate (60/treatment). Management practices were in accordance with the standard guidelines provided by the strain management guide. Feed and water were provid. The experiment was conducted for 28 days. The rearing period was divided into 2 phases: starter diet (1-14 days) and grower diet (15-28 days). All treatments received the same diets throughout the study. The diets composition is shown in (Table 1). But, the diet in this experiment was antibiotic and coccidostat-free. 



Starter (1-14 d)

Grower (15-28d)





Soybean Meal




Soy oil








Lysine Sulphate




Mono calcium phosphate








Sodium Bicarbonate












L- Valine




Broiler Mineral Premix




Choline Chloride 70%




Betaine HCl




Broiler Vitamins Premix




Mycotoxin binder




Avizyme 1505




Axtraphy 10000




Total kg




Calculated Analysis




Metabolizable Energy




Crude Protein




Crude Fat




Crude Fiber












Digestible lysine




Digestible methionin




Digestible methionin +Cysteine




Digestible threionin




Digestible valine












Table 1: Composition and Calculated Analysis of the Basal Diets Fed During Starting (1 - 14) and Growing Periods (15 - 28) Days of Age.


Experiment was consisted of the following 5 treatments (T) 

  • T1: Non Infected + No Treated (Negative Control).
  • T2: Infected + Non Treated (Positive Control).
  • T3: Infected + Antibiotic Treated (Antibiotic Groupe).
  • T4: Infected + ASBN Treated (2% ASBN).
  • T5: Infected + ASBN Treated (4% ASBN).

Method of administration

The antibiotic employed in this study was "Lincomycin™," administered at a dose in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, specifically 17 mg of Lincomycin per 1000 ml of drinking water. Treatment T3 involved the administration of the antibiotic for three consecutive days, following the manufacturer's guidelines. In contrast, ASBN was provided once per week for a 4-hour duration in the designated treatments, adhering to the protocol established in Experiment 1. 

To initiate the administration of the antibiotic, ASBN, or tap water, bell drinkers were removed from all treatments for a 2-hour interval. The requisite doses of ASBN (T4 and T5) were dispensed in water for a 4-hour duration, with the water intake adjusted based on the age of the birds. Concurrently, T1 and T2 were provided with plain tap water. All birds had unrestricted access to water, with additional drinkers available to ensure ample water accessibility. The quantity of consumed water was determined in accordance with the guidelines outlined in the strain manual, ensuring that the provision exceeded the specified requirements. Water consumption was recorded for each pen, and after 4 hours, the regular tap water was reinstated to the chicks. This procedural regimen was reiterated on a weekly basis throughout the 4- week trial period. 

Method of challenging the birds 

Necrotic enteritis (NE) was induced by infecting the birds with sporulated Eimeria spp. and a pathogenic strain of C. perfringens (Cp). NE was achieved through 2 successive steps. First, by infecting birds with sporulated Eimeria spp. to induce coccidiosis. A coccidiosis infection was induced before the C. perfringens infection take place to provide a predisposing condition for NE. Coccidiosis infection was induced by inoculating the birds at 7-days of age with 25x the recommended dose of coccidia vaccine (COCCIVACTM-D2®; Intervet Inc., Omaha). The COCCIVACTM-D2® was used to prepare an inoculum composed of live oocytes of 6 Eimeria spp.; namely Eimeria acervulina, E. brunetti, E. maxima, E. mivati, E. necatrix and E. tenella. The inoculum was prepared to provide 25 times the recommended dose of the vaccine for birds. This protocol was proven to induce coccidia infection and intestinal mucosal damage in chickens (Unpublished data, Personnel communication with Dr. Abdelqader, the University of Jordan). A number of live oocytes in the inoculum were counted using a McMaster counting slide under the microscope to calculate the number of live oocysts per ml. Birds were infected by oral gavage directly into the crop, while birds assigned to non-challenged group was gavaged with distilled water using the same volume calculated for the challenged birds. 

The second step of the NE challenge is to infect the birds at the age of 14 days (7 days post coccidian infection) with a pathogenic strain of C. perfringens. The Clostridium perfringens pathogenic strain was provided by Dr. Mohammad Gharaibeh, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Jordan University of Science and Technology, and prepared by Dr. Gharaibeh to be ready for oral infection of chickens. The Clostridium perfringens pathogenic strain was isolated and identified out of 60 Clostridium perfringens strains isolated from Jordan chickens’ farms and identified by using appropriate gene sequencing procedures. 

Bentonite Nanoparticles Preparation 

Bentonite sourced from Al-Azraq region in Jordan. The transformation of bentonite into nanoparticles occurred at the Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) – Nano Institute. Nano-sized particles were generated using a ball milling machine, specifically the Planetary Micro Mill (Model: PULVERISETTE 7, Manufacturer: Fritsch, Country: Germany). The ball milling process was executed using this instrument located at the JUST – Nano Institute Lab. The jar was filled with powdered samples, and balls of appropriate size and quantity, commensurate with the powder in terms of hardness, were added. The milling program was configured at 800 rpm, 20 cycles, and 3 minutes for each cycle. The resultant bentonite nanoparticles achieved a size reduction to 100 nm. Verification of the particle size of bentonite was conducted using a scanning electron microscope (SEM image 600,000X-200 nm), as depicted in (Figure 1). The SEM instrument used in this analysis was the QUANTA FEG 450 (Manufacturer: Thermo Fisher Scientific, Country: America), available at the JUST – Nano Institute Lab.

 Figure 1: Image of Bentonite Nano at Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).

SE mode, image 600.000X - 200 nm 

In this experimental endeavor, bentonite nanoparticles were combined with drinking water to formulate solutions with varying concentrations. The chemical composition of raw bentonite was determined through X-Ray Fluorescence analysis by the Natural Resources Authority Directorate in Amman, Jordan, and is presented in Table (2).

















AL2O 3












Table 2: Chemical Composition of Bentonite in Raw Form

Provided by the Natural Resources Authority/ Laboratories Directorate, X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis. Amman-Jordan. Loss of Ignition (LOI)

Performance Parameters 

Average feed intake (FI), body weight (BW), and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were recorded on a weekly base. The offered feed and their refusals were recorded daily and at the end of each week. Feed refusals were weighed and subtracted from the offered to calculate total feed consumption during the week. The weekly pen feed consumption value was then divided by the number of birds/pen after adjustment for mortality to obtain the adjusted average feed consumption per bird throughout the week. 

Body weight gain and FCR was also calculated on weekly basis through the experimental period as shown below: 

  • BWG = Final weight – Initial weight / Number of days.
  • FCR = Feed consumed in grams / Body weight gain in grams.

Carcass characteristics 

At the end of the experiment, 6 birds were randomly selected from each treatment. Birds were slaughtering and directly taken to perform the following measurements: hot carcass weight, breast meat yield, and weight of the liver, weight of the heart, weight of the gizzard, and weight of the spleen. The dressing % was calculated as the relation of hot carcass weight to live weight (g/g ×100). The relative weight of internal organs was calculated as a ratio of an organ weight divided by the birds live weight (g/kg of body weight).

Intestinal histology 

At the end of the experiment, the same birds euthanized above for carcass quality were used for intestinal morphology analysis. The preparations of intestinal tissues for histology measurements were performed. Concisely, the duodenum section was used to cut a segment of 5 cm in length and placed buffered 10% formalin, processed in alcohol of different concentrations using (Histokinette device 2000) for fixation and dehydration. Then dehydrated tissues were covered with paraffin at 45 C using paraffin dispenser. Then paraffin cassettes allowed to cool at room temperature, they and stored at freezing temperature until the time of cutting and slides preparation. Paraffin cassettes were cutted using Microtome device at a thickness of 5 μm. Multiple slides were prepared from each tissue. Then, all slides were stained using Haematoxylin and Eosin (HE) stain (two jars then dehydration using alcohol 70% then 80% then two jars of 95 and two jars of 100%, then clearing using two changes of xylene, then infiltration using two changes of parrafin wax, then embedding. Stained slides were viewed under a compound microscope to measure villi morphometric measures in the duodenum using specific computer software (Motic image 2.0 multi- language) to capture images of the tissues. Images were used to measure villi length, crypt depth and villus width of different treatments. Stained slides were viewed under compound microscope to record villi morphometric measures. Also, villi length, crypt depth and villus width of the different treatments. 

Villus surface area: calculated using the formula: villus area = (2π) × (VW/2) × (VH) in which VW = villus width and VH = villus height.

Intestinal lesion scoring

At the end of the trial, the same birds (6/treatment) used for carcass quality analysis were used for intestinal lesion scoring. After collecting the histology samples, the whole intestines were opened longitudinally and scored on a scale of 0 to 4 for lesions of damage at three sites: the duodenum (from the pyloric junction to the most distal point of insertion of the duodenal mesentery), upper half of the jejunum, and lower half of the jejunum. The scores are adopted according to the method described by Johnson and Reid [43]. A score of zero represents absence of gross lesions and 4 represented extensive hemorrhage or lesions. The lesion scores were recorded as the average across the birds at each segment. Total lesion score was calculated as the sum of lesion scores in the three intestinal segments (duodenum, upper jejunum, and lower jejunum). The lesion scoring system was: 0 = No gross lesions. l =Small scattered petechiae and white spots easily seen from the serosal side; little if any damage apparent on the mucosal surface. 2 = numerous petechiae on the serosal surface; slight ballooning confined to the midgut area may be present. 3 = Extensive hemorrhage into the lumen of the intestine; serosal surface is covered with red petechiae and/or white plaques. The serosal surface is rough and thickened with many pinpoint hemorrhages. Normal intestinal contents are lacking; ballooning extends over lower half of small intestine. 4= Extensive hemorrhage giving the intestine a dark color; intestinal contents consist of red or brown mucus. Ballooning may extend throughout much of the length of the intestine. Dead birds are scored as 4.

Oocyst excreta shedding 

Excreta samples were collected from all treatments, from each replicate, starting on day one before inducing the infection and at days 14 and 21of bird's age. Excreta samples were examined for coccidia oocysts by a modified McMaster technique and flotation method in a saturated sodium chloride solution. 

Four grams of faeces were weighed and placed into a container with 56 ml of flotation fluid (400 grams of sodium chloride dissolved in 1000 ml of distilled water). The solution was vigorously mixed before it was filtrated. The solution was loaded onto a McMaster Egg Slide for oocyst counting and examined under a compound microscope at 10 x 10 magnifications. The number of oocysts per gram (OPG) of faeces is calculated as the number of oocysts in two chambers multiplied by 50. 

Statistical Analysis 

The Statistical Analysis System (SAS Institute, 2010, Version 9.1.3) was used to conduct all statistical analysis. For performance data, the replicate was considered as the experimental unit, and analyzed with one-way ANOVA implemented using GLM procedure of SAS. For carcass, intestinal lesion, and histological data the bird was considered as the experimental unit. Differences were accepted as representing statistically significant differences when P≤0.05. Duncan multiple range test was used to separate significant means. 

Results Of Experiment

Body weight, weight gain, feed Intake and feed conversation ratio 

There was no significant difference (P? 0.05) between the treatments in body weight (BW) at the age of 7 and 14 days old. Results showed a significant difference in bird body weight between the treatments at day 28 of the rearing periods. On day 28 the highest (P< 0.05) body weight was for T5 (4% ASBN) which was (1702.13g), as shown in Table (3).









Body Weight (g) Day 7








Body Weight (g) Day 14








Body Weight (g) Day 28

1625.90 ab

1615.00 b

1586.00 b

1560.00 b

1702.13 a



Body Weight Gain (g) Day 14








Body Weight Gain (g) Day 28

1104.40 b

1102.57 b

1079.50 b

1042.77 b

1185.53 a



Total Body Weight Gain g

1584.50 ab

1578.60 b

1547.00 b

1520.70 b

1662.60 a



Average Feed Intake (g) Day 14








Average Feed Intake (g) Day 28








Total Average Feed Intake g








FCR Day 14








FCR Day 28








Total FCR








Mortality Rate % Overall (D1 –









Table 3: Effect of Feeding Different Levels of ASBN on Production Performance of Broiler Chickens infected with NE

a, b related to the significant differences between the treatments on p≤0.05.

*SEM: standard error of the mean

T1: Non Infected + No Treated (Negative Control), T2: Infected + Non Treated (Positive Control), T3: Infected + Antibiotic Treated (Antibiotic Groupe), T4: Infected + 2% ASBN Treated (2% ASBN), T5: Infected + 4% ASBN Treated (4% ASBN).

There was no significant difference (P? 0.05) between the treatments in body weight gain (BWG) at age 14 days old. The results showed a significant difference (P< 0.05) in bird body weight gain (BWG) between the treatments on days 28, of the rearing periods. On day 28 the highest significant body weight gain was for T5 (4% ASBN) which was (1185.53g) and total body weight gain (1662.60g). On the other hand, there were no significant differences between treatment groups on feed intake, and feed conversation ratio (FCR) of the rearing as shown in (Table 7).


Villi length(µm)

Villi Width(µm)

Crypt Depth(µm)

Villi_Surface Area (mm²)


1147.40 ab

132.76 b

201.00 c

0.47807 b


1083.83 b

103.80 c

198.37 c

0.34987 c


1199.53 a

130.55 b

247.70 b

0.49473 b


1140.63 ab

138.28 b

274.50 b

0.49807 b


1212.77 a

169.66 a

303.40 a

0.64703 a











Table 4: Effect of ASBN on Intestinal Histology (Duodenum) at the End of Experiment (28 Day Old)

Mortality rate

Daily mortalities were recorded for each replicate within treatment, and then the overall mortality rate was calculated as the number of dead chicks subtracted from the number of live chicks at the beginning of that week is presented in (Table 3). The mortality rate was not significantly lowered in all ASBN treated groups and antibiotic group compared with the negative control group and positive groups. 

Carcass characteristics 

Carcass characteristics parameters (dressing and cut percentages) are presented in (Table 4). The values of the dressing, lever, heart, spleen, and gizzard were not significantly affected by treatments.









Dressing percentage








Breast percentage








Liver percentage








Heart percentage








Spleen percentage








Gizzard percentage








Table 5: Effect of Feeding Different Levels of ASBN on Dressing Percentage and Carcass Cuts as a Percentage to Carcass Weight.

Means with the same letter in the same raw are not significantly different at p≤0.05 / * SEM: standard error of the mean

T1: Non Infected + No Treated (Negative Control), T2: Infected + Non Treated (Positive Control), T3: Infected + Antibiotic Treated (Antibiotic Groupe), T4: Infected + 2% ASBN Treated (2% ASBN), T5: Infected + 4% ASBN Treated (4% ASBN).

Oocyte count, Intestinal Histology and Intestinal lesion scoring:

The number of fecal oocyte shedding in each treatment is presented in (Table 6). According to these results, T2 (positive control) showed a significantly higher fecal oocyte count compared with other of the treatments, followed by T3 (antibiotic group), then T1 (negative control group) and T4 (2%ASBN) and T5 (4%ASBN). 


Day 14 (OPG)

Day 21 (OPG)


250 d

150 d


4700 a

6450 a


3550 b

3400 b


2700 c

1950 c


0 e

0 e







Table 6: Number of Fecal Oocytes Count on Days 14 and 21 of birds age Infection with Coccidiosis.

Opg: oocytes per gram of faeces. *SEM: standard error of the mean.

a, b related to the significant differences between the treatments on p≤0.05.

T1: Non Infected + No Treated (Negative Control), T2: Infected + Non Treated (Positive Control), T3: Infected + Antibiotic Treated (Antibiotic Groupe), T4: Infected + 2% ASBN Treated (2% ASBN), T5: Infected + 4% ASBN Treated (4% ASBN).

Results of intestinal lesion scoring are shown in (Table 7). The positive control group showed a significant increase in the score compared with other treatments as it gave the highest rate of scoring, followed by T4 (2%ASBN) and T3 (antibiotic group), then T1 (negative control group) and T5 (4%ASBN).




5.00 ab


5.83 a


5.00 ab


6.16 a


3.66 b





Table 7: Effect of ASBN on Intestinal Lesion Scoring at the End of Experiment (28 Day Old).

*SEM: standard error of the mean.

T1: Non Infected + No Treated (Negative Control), T2: Infected + Non Treated (Positive Control), T3: Infected + Antibiotic Treated (Antibiotic Groupe), T4: Infected + 2% ASBN Treated (2% ASBN), T5: Infected + 4% ASBN Treated (4% ASBN).

The results showed a significant increase (P< 0.05) in duodenum villus width, crypt depth, height: crypt ratio, and the villus area as shown in Table (7). The differences in the villus length appear clearly in the (Figure 2). The best appearance for villus is for the 4% ASBN group and for the antibiotic group. While there was a clear reduction in the villus length in the positive control group and the group that takes 2% ASBN, and the negative control group. 

 Figure 2: Effect of ASBN on duodenum Histology at the End of Experiment (28 Day Old). 

Birds in the 4% ASBN group had significantly (P < 0.05) higher values of villus height, villus width, crypt depth and villus surface area in the duodenal segment in comparison to other treatment groups. Villus height, villus width, crypt depth and villus surface area highest in the 4% ASBN group were 1212.77 μm, 169.66 μm, 303.40 μm and 0.64703 mm² respectively in comparison to other treatment groups. The lowest significant villus length (1083.83 μm) was for the positive control group.


Body weight, weight gain, feed Intake and feed conversation ratio 

There was no significant difference (P ? 0.05) between the treatments in body weight and body weight gain at the 7 and 14 days of rearing. The concentration and dose of ASBN used in this study may have contributed to the effects of ASBN on body weight gain and body weight. Moreover, there were significant differences at (P < 0.05) between treatment groups in bird on body weight gain and body weight of the rearing periods, on day 28 the highest significant weight gain was for T5 (4% ASBN). This result suggests that it is possible to recommend giving it more than once a week in order to achieve a quick result. This result was similar to Ghazalah [44] who noted the improved body weight gain with the addition of bentonite 0.50% for alonger time during 29–35 days compared to other treatments. Moreover, the results are consistent with the finding of Hamouni [45] who showed a significant improvement in weight gain of bentonite sodium 5% supplementation in for chickens compared to the control. Furthermore, Salari [46] reported that the chickens fed containing 1-2 % sodium bentonite consumed more feed, and had more weight gain. 

The results revealed that there was no significant difference in feed intake and feed conversation ratio between the treatment groups in the rearing period after the second week and lasted until the end of the rearing period. This is explained by the fact that BW and BWG were not affected at the rearing period, the number of times ASBN was added and the challenges infected birds with sporulated Eimeria spp and C.perfringens. Our results varied from Al-Beitawi [47] who found that the use of a 2% concentration of the Aqueous Nanosuspension of clay minerals improved the growth performance of broiler chickens in terms of the FCR. Our results were comparable to Karomy and Maged [48] who showed that the used 1, 2% sodium bentonite, and 1% sodium bentonite with 1% aluminum silicate can be used in pelleted making diets for improving growth performance, decreased feed intake and enhance feed efficiency ratio. On the other hand, Ahmadi [49] reported that the use of Silver Nanoparticles 900ppm in broiler chickens improved growth performance in terms of body weight, feed intake and feed conversion ratio. Jarocka [50] found that the supplemented of 2.2 mg/ml gold nanoparticles improved the growth performance of poultry birds. 

Carcass characteristics 

There were no significant differences between carcass characteristics parameters dressing, lever, heart, spleen, and gizzard in birds between all of the treatment groups, the reduction in the feed intake was reflected on carcass weight parts and dressing percentage. Our results varied from Al-Beitawi [51] who reported that the 1.5% nano clay minerals fed improved broiler internal organs measurements. Moreover, Al-Beitawi [47] reported that the use of 1.5 % and 2 % of aqueous nano suspension of clay minerals to broiler increased liver, gizzard, heart, pancreas and spleen percentage. Furthermore, Al-Beitawi [51] and Al-faqieh [36] carried out their experiments under normal conditions, in contrast to the present experiment where the birds were infectd with C. Perfringens. 

Intestinal Histology Intestinal lesion scoring and Oocytes count 

There were significant differences in villus width, crypt depth and villus surface area in the duodenal segment, the highest significant percentage was seen in the T5 (4% ASBN) group than in other treatment groups. Khan [52] showed that bentonite bound 90% of the aflatoxins present in feed and made them effective and unabsorbable from the gastrointestinal tract. Furthermore, it has been noted that the characteristics of nanoparticles increase their appeal for enhancing the bioavailability and absorption of extra nutritional substances like vitamins and minerals [10]. These results attributed to the beneficial properties of nano bentonite: high capacity for absorption, a large surface area, improvement in the enzymatic activity of the digestive tract, and lowering the viscosity of fluids. The results of this study correspond with those reported by Besseboua [53] who noted that the diet supplemented with bentonite 4% dose increased the villus height of jejunum in broiler. Ahmadi [54] reported that 0.4 mg/kg nano selenium supplementation in the diet from (1-42) days of age has a positive effect on the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum, resulting in an increase in length, which is directly related to better resorption. The supplementation of 100 mg/kg copper nanoparticles feed improved immunity, protein synthesis and caecal microbiota in broilers [55]. Karomy and Maged [48] showed that the supplanted 1 and 2 % sodium bentonite improved ameliorated Protein digestibility, protein efficiency, and viscosity in broiler chickens. 

The results of oocyte counting, T2 (Positive Control) showed a significant difference with other treatments as it gave the highest, followed by T3 (Antibiotic Group), then Negative Control (T1), 2% ASBN (T4) and 4% ASBN (T5) at days 7 and 14 after induction of coccidiosis. In the current study, supplementation of ASBN may protect against Eimeria spp infection in the broiler. However, the results of intestinal lesion scoring in positive control showed a significant difference with other treatments as it gave the highest rate of scoring, followed by 2% ASBN, antibiotic group, then negative control and 4% ASBN. This would be also attributed to the ability of ASBN to bind with the pathogenic microbes that may be established in the gut of broiler chickens. This result was similar to Xu [56] who reported that the use of dietary supplementation of newly hatched broiler chicks with 0.25mg/kg sodium selenite from the day of hatch significantly reduced NE-induced gut lesions. These results disagreed with Hayajneh [57] who reported that the use of 6% calcium bentonite in the diet of broiler chickens did not showe any significant number of oocysts counts, which were the highest in the negative control group followed by the bentonite group than positive control group (Amprolium). It is critical to monitor C. perfringens infections on a regular basis to avoid the development of antibiotic resistance. Indeed, Particles with nano-diameter absorb faster through diffusion from gut mucus to reach the intestinal lining cells and blood. This would be due to the significance of nano bentonite's beneficial properties such as the high capacity for absorption, the ability of nano particles to bind with pathogens, a large surface area, improvement in the enzymatic activity of the digestive tract, and increasing the pH and lowering the viscosity of fluids.


The experiment utilization of an aqueous suspension of bentonite nanoparticles as a substitute for antibiotics in combating Necrotic Enteritis presents a promising avenue for enhancing both the performance and health of chickens under the NE challenage. The administration of 2% and 4% ASBN in drinking water, once weekly to NE infected broiler chickens, manifested positive effects including increased body weight gain, decreased mortality rates, reduced intestinal lesion scoring, diminished oocyte count, and enhanced the duodenal segment morphometrics such as villus length, villus width, crypt depth, and villus surface area. These alterations collectively contribute to an integrated intestinal surface area with the potential to enhance digestion and absorption. 

Under the NE challenge, the use of 2% ASBN would be a safe alternative to antibiotics. This transition not only addresses concerns about antibiotic residues in meat and the development of microbial resistance, while further studies should invesitgat the effect of ASBN under other infections and different challenges.


I would like to thank for H. E. Dr. Khalifa Musabeh Alteneiji, my colleagues DAL/ UAE and Eng. Razan Fahad Alhammadi. I would like to express my sincerely to Prof. Anas Abdelqader, Prof. Talal Aburjai and Dr. Mohammad Gharaibeh for their invaluable guidance and advice, then special thanks to  The University of Jordan, JUST, NCRD, DAL, EKTIFA, and my colleagues / NCRD  for their help in my research.


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Citation: Al-Faqieh MA (2024) Efficacy of Bentonite Nanoparticles against Necrotic Enteritis in Broiler Chickens. J Nanotechnol Nanomed Nanobiotechnol 8: 027.

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