Journal of Clinical Studies & Medical Case Reports Category: Medical Type: Opinion Article

Role of Electromagnetic Energy of the Human Mind on Human Life

Tapan K Chaudhuri1*, Tushar K Chowdhury1, Tandra R Chaudhuri1, Shree Tapash K Chowdhury1 and Shreemati Bulu R Chowdhury1
1 Chowdhury spiritual research center, Hampton, Virginia, United states

*Corresponding Author(s):
Tapan K Chaudhuri
Chowdhury Spiritual Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, United States

Received Date: Feb 06, 2020
Accepted Date: Feb 06, 2020
Published Date: Feb 13, 2020


The authors’ spiritual research, meditational research and near-death experience research led them to theorize the existence of Electromagnetic Energy of the human mind (EME-hm). The electric current flowing through the neurons in the magnetic field of the brain generates the EME. 

We have characterized the EME-hm as non-ionizing radiation which falls in the same region of the EME spectrum as the EME of iphone, router, Wi-Fi, and texting.  The discovery of EME-hm holds infinite promise in developing new technology and product in detecting the EME-hm and how it varies with the positive and negative actions of the human. 

The EME-hm plays a significant role in explaining all life events of human from conception to death - human happiness, human sufferings, accidents, accidental death and premature death etc. 

There is ample evidence in the literature of the beneficial effect of prayer on the recovery from medical illness. However, the mechanism of action of prayer on the positive effect on medical illness was unknown until now.

In the past the people attributed this beneficial effect to ‘medical miracle’.We propose that the beneficial effect of prayer on positive outcome of medical illness is mediated through EME-hm.

The human being is composed of three parts - Body, Mind, and Soul.  So far we knew the mechanism of formation of the physical body through the science of Embryology, Physiology, Biochemistry and Biophysics.  We did not know how the Mind and Soul are formed at conception. We propose that the mind and soul are formed by the science of particle physics and Quantum Mechanics of EME-hm. During physical union, the EME-hm of father and mother collide with each other to form a third energy which forms the mind of the child.  The mind of the child is thus the mirror image of the minds of the parents.

We name the physics particles responsible for the formation of mind and soul at conception as ‘mene’ and ‘sene’ respectively to conform with the name ‘gene’ which is responsible for the formation of physical body of the human being.

In conclusion the knowledge of EME-hm would be of great benefit to humankind because it  explains everything about human life from conception to death.

Citation: Chaudhuri TK, Chowdhury TK, Chaudhuri TR, Chowdhury STK, Chowdhury SBR (2020) Role of Electromagnetic Energy of the Human Mind on Human Life. J Clin Stud Med Case Rep 7: 080.

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