The Medical Education development´s around the world appoint the real necessity to assume the most significant subject from the economic subjects related to the Public Health given that Economy is considered an important determining for the Public Health sector. Because of the previous reason, the health university manager´s must analyze the social context since an economic perspective. This process may identify the relation between the Public Health and its context for a better management from the health university manager.
To describe the importance from the economic culture for the health university manager upping´s.
Materials and methods
Was made a descriptive research from the importance from the economic culture for the health university manager upping´s. Were used the documental and the bibliographic research as empiric methods.
The economic culture defines a rational life style. That´s why is present in all persons from the society, including the medic educational managers. The human and the social development is conditioned and supported by the real available resources. Thus, the economic culture must be a practice and teoric reference for the medical educational manager for their efficient manager behavior.
The economic culture is a main element from the whole continue and permanent formation of medic educational managers. This upping form contribute to a wholer formation for these managers close related to the human develop and the life quality. Then, the upping process around the economic culture for medic educational managers is an always present need for all health universities.
Economic culture; Health university; Medic educational manager
The formation process from the postgraduate degree for the Medical Education plays a significant role in the constant development from the human resources for the Public Health sector. For that, the health university must be agreed with Public Health objectives and behavior too. This means that health university border´s must be larger than the institutional border and must establish a close relation with all society sector but especially with Public Health institutions [1].
The Medical Education development´s around the world appoint the real necessity to assume the most significant subject from the economic subjects related to the Public Health given that Economy is considered an important determining for the Public Health sector [2].
Because of the previous reason, the health university manager´s must analyze the social context since an economic perspective. This process may identify the relation between the Public Health and its context for a better management from the health university manager [3].
Present tendency from the upping in economic culture from the health educational managers is focused on the practice needs from the health university organization and particular demands from responsibilities of health educational managers. This phenomenon is given because the pregraduated formation of these managers don´t include the economic subjects with sufficient heavy [4].
The health educational manager upping´s around the economic culture must not be focused in information only. Actually, this upping form must be complementaried with several sciences such as Economy, Management and Public Health, as example [5].
This argument don´t means that Economy is the solution for all and each problem from the health university management. Nevertheless, much from the main and bigger problems from the health university management are around the Economy [6].
Economy research all processes from the production, distribution, trade and consumption of goods and services. In each one of these elements the social subject is present in close relation with the economic culture as teoric and practice supporting for the decision taking process. That´s why the economic knowledge may the society living [7].
Each health decision has some economic incidence. Also, each economic decision has a direct or indirect incidence over the Public Health. Then, Economy and Public Health must be considered unseparated [8].
Health university managers must understand that Economy border is larger than financial relation. In this subject, these managers must add to their self-culture that the human resource formation is an economic service that include to the health universities too. Then, the most important economic subject for health universities is the formation and development of human resources for the Public Health [9].
Around this element, health university managers need understand that the value from the health university services isn´t given by the price because the price is a simple expression from this service value. Particularly, health university managers from societies where the health university service is supported freely need understand that society pay the whole cost from that policy. For that, these managers need differentiate between price, cost and value as economic subject. Then, health university managers need a strong economic culture supporting an efficient manager behavior agree to the context characteristics [10].
Health university managers must be convinced from the human resource formation as base of capitalization from the human capital formed and developed. This fact means the main reason by which the economic culture upping from the health university managers must be included in the general formation from them in a main place. All these arguments show the necessity to express the importance from the economic culture for the health university manager upping´s.
The human resource formation is one of the more complex elements from the Public Health system. This process includes the formation, the permanent education and the capacitation as condition to integrate the teaching, medical services, the social interaction and the research [11].
The economic problems are excluded from the Medical Education. The permanent and continued formation from the human resources for the health universities demand significant economic resources to may obtain the expected results agree to the objectives defined [12].
It isn´t necessary to be an economist to understand the behavior from the Medical Education following the budget spend. However, medic educational managers need understand how richness is created, how is used and the relation from the Medical Education with these processes [13].
The economic culture defines a rational life style. That´s why is present in all persons from the society, including the medic educational managers. The human and the social development is conditioned and supported by the real available resources. Thus, the economic culture must be a practice and teoric reference for the medical educational manager for their efficient manager behavior [14].
The professional behavior from the medic educational manager since the economic culture upping
The professional behavior had been a discussed subject by several professional from the Teaching and Medic Education sciences. Moreno García [15] defined the teaching professional behavior´s as “the actual behavior from professors in the practice teaching where it show knowledge from a certain knowledge field in actualized form.” Jaime Galarza [16] considered the professional behavior as “the correspondency between daily behavior and objectives expected to obtain” Santiesteban M. L [17] considered the professional behavior from the educational managers as “the idealness taking self action from th own functions agree to priorities from job”.
Salas RS [18] supports that “the labor behavior is the actual worker behavior since the professional, technical and mutual worker relation point of view too (...). Then, here is a direct relation between elements characterizing the professional behavior and the elements determining the whole quality from the health services.”
Añorga and others [19] defined the professional behavior as the “process developed by a person across the social relations established in the application of methods for their job container agreed to the professional activity objectives´”.
Also, Miranda T and Pérez V [20] defined a professional as the person capable to modify or solve with it own activity the problems from the objective reality where behavior it job. They defined the professional behavior as “the whole actions made by a capacited person excersicing it functions to arrive to some objective. Taking account the previos definitions, the author defines the professional behavior from the medic educational manager as the process where this manager assumes and develops the self action related to labor functions whitch may relate the practice and teoric knowledge from the medic educational management with their own professional duties expressed in the self behavior during the professional excersicing.
Upping in economic culture from the medic educational manager: A real need for the development of the Medic Educational management
Some one of the most significant elements in the formation of human resources is the upping for medic educational manager. To select a manager is important consider the previous formation, upping, job position and evaluations.
The professional upping must be valuated scientifically because of the main role from the medic educational manager for the whole society and particularly for the formation of human resources for the Public Health. The economic upping from the medic educational manager constitute a main interesting for the medical universities. The institutions from the medic education are management centers which behavior is determined by the decision taking process. Then, the formation and professional upping in economic culture for the medic educational managers agreed to health needs is an actual necessity for a better social develop across a better human resources formation for the Public Health system [21].
Medic educational managers must afford several challenges from assistance, teaching and management activities. This condition must carry to a wholer formation in economic culture for the medic educational managers for a better adaptation to new context agree to the Public Health role [22].
Health sciences and economic sciences aren´t separated. Since the economic point of view, health is an economic good characterized by its social condition. By other side, since the health point of view, the Economy is considered an important determining of health state. However, the medic educational manager understanding must be over these main trues [23].
The upping process in economic culture for medic educational managers don´t become them in professionals for the economic sciences. Nevertheless, provide to them useful tools with direct positive impact in the manager process. That´s why this upping form must be a real priority for all and each one medic educational institutions [24].
Health universities are academic and researching institution close related to the scientific and technology development. These institutions are called to supply a whole formation for medic educational manager, where professional upping in economic culture must play a significant role agreed to the whole develop obtained until present. This is because this upping form is a main structurer element for the better formation and develop from the medic educational behavior looking for an excellent result providing health services [25].
It isn´t necessary wait until last time from the professional formation for the health system to introduce the upping in economic culture in the pregraduate formation. The teaching process organization must provide the appropriated acquisition of economic culture for the medic educational managers. By this way the economic culture must assume a more extensive position in the formation of the general culture from the medic educational managers [26].
Life is considered a holy good very much valuated because of life time is limited. Them, life time is a special economic good over which is necessary take the best decision. In this way, the role from the medic educational manager is full important because of their incidence over the continue formation of human resources for the health services. Then, the medic educational manager upping´s in economic culture will have a determinant influence over the population health state, contributing to increase the life quality in direct relation to coverage of this upping form [27].
The postgraduate formation related to the culture of optimize results across decisions must be sufficient to provide scientific strategies and methodologies for medic educational manager contributing to manager may take the best decision in each moment and not only a good decision [28].
This means that health universities have a big responsibility with the medic educational manager upping in economic culture subjects, given the social role from these institutions. Health universities must have very well defined their priorities around the permanent and continued formation in economic culture for the medic educational managers. Also, these institutions must apply for the mutual compromise between health universities and medic educational manager to obtain a closer convergence from upping interesting related to economic culture [29].
The economic culture is a main element from the whole continue and permanent formation of medic educational managers. This upping form contribute to a wholer formation for these managers close related to the human develop and the life quality. Then, the upping process around the economic culture for medic educational managers is an always present need for all health universities.
Citation: Hernández FF (2022) The Economic Culture Role´S for the Medical Education Manager Upping. J Community Med Public Health Care 9: 102
Copyright: © 2022 Fé Fernández Hernández, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.