Journal of Alternative Complementary & Integrative Medicine Category: Medicine Type: Mini Review

The Forces of Gravity g and Temporality t (or of ageity d), and the Unitary Ageing of Nano, Submicro, Micro and Macro Bodies

Alejandro Cuevas-Sosa1*
1 Centro de Prevención y Tratamiento de la Violencia Sexual e Intrafamiliar, Mexico

*Corresponding Author(s):
Alejandro Cuevas-Sosa
Centro De Prevención Y Tratamiento De La Violencia Sexual E Intrafamiliar, Mexico

Received Date: Oct 21, 2024
Accepted Date: Oct 29, 2024
Published Date: Nov 05, 2024


Bioenergemal communication or biocommunication. For the bioenergemal research there are three universes. Biomaterial (BML) or discontinuous spacetime (tetradimensional). Biointerfacemal (BIFL; fifth dimension) that results from the immense openings that spacetime presents. And, bioenergemal (sixth dimension; BEL, relative to the bioenergeme or personal component of organized BEL energy) to which the bioenergemes (BEGs) arrive after the body biocollapses (‘dies’). All three universes form what I have proposed to name as the unit universe (UU). Likewise, in addition to biomatter, the human body includes the BEG and a third virtual (temporary, potential) component or biointerfaceme, which supports the neurobiointerfacemal function of the brain during dreams or biocommunication. We stablish this one through relaxation, in which the bioimage of a BEG is a living and acting virtual biointerfaceme, like the rest of the bioimages that are formed during it, which, as in dreams, at the end of biocommunication all virtual events vanish. BEL communication is a form of biointeraction via the BIFL universe; aptitude characteristic of every component biotagonist of the UU and at all scales. Likewise, Intuilish or intuitional language is the source of all existing languages -or that have existed- in terrestrial humanity and in other ET humanities, as well as in all the biospecies of the multiple ecosystems of the UU.

On this occasion, I present the trajectory that the concepts of space and time have had during the 33 years of BEL research, until reaching the conclusion that, like space, time could also be a force of temporality (or ageity) acting in association with the force of gravity. Both forces cause the unitary ageing of the nano, submicro, micro and macro bodies of the BML universe by defining the life cycle of each body. 

All invited human BEGs agreed that their names and comments could be published.


Bioenergeme; Biomaterial universe; biointerfacemal universe; Bioenergemal universe; Bioenergemal communication; Biocommunication; Gravity; G-force; Neuromindego; Intuitions; Intuilish; Intuiscience; Temporality; T-force; Unit universe


BML: Biomaterial

BIFL: Biointerfacemal

BEL: Bioenergemal

BEG: Bioenergeme

BELC: Bioenergemal Communication

UU: Unit Universe

NMEGO: Neuromindego

BELR: Bioenergemal Research

Ints: Intuitions


On October 13, 2010, I had the following sequence of intuitions, which were expanded upon over the following days.

1) Would there be BEL biospecies, or species with BEGs, whose existence, in a natural way, moves at will or indistinctly, and mainly to develop and protect themselves, between the BML universe and the BIFL universe? 2) That is, that their ecosystem is mixed, BIFL and BML. Perhaps as a previous step -if they find the appropriate ecosystem- to their definitive incorporation into the BML universe; and also, in response to the ecosystems from and with the help of which the development and emergence of one or several new biospecies was fostered. 3) Without ruling out the possibility that the BML universe could also contribute with biospecies that having originated in it -always with the help of the BIFL universe-, end up being definitively incorporated precisely into the BIFL universe. In this case, the bioexchange of biospecies would be mutual. 4) Likewise, a given biospecies could perhaps remain indefinitely in this mixed existential condition: BIFL and BML. 5) I emphasize again that the BIFL universe plays an outstanding role in the generation of new biospecies. 6) In turn, this mixed existential condition, BML and BIFL, would be the most outstanding and biocreative form of biovectorization or close interaction of BEGs now between two of the mentioned universes. 7) BEL communication, therefore, would be an ancestral, biofossil function, remaining, complementary and essential to that indispensable mixed existential condition, BML and BIFL, partial or total, of all biospecies; and that in the terrestrial human biospecies is particularly evident by (7.1) the neurobiointerfacemal and neurobioenergemal bridge function of the human brain -and certainly of other biospecies-, (7.2) by the regular presentation of the bioscenes and bioimages of dreams, and (7.3) by the ease with which, during daily life or, for example, BEL communication, human NMEGO and BEG -and of other biospecies- can biocommunicate with other BEGs -and in their case NMEGOs- of all biospecies found in the BML universe. 8) As well as the ease with which the human BEG and of other biospecies, terrestrial or extraterrestrial, can biocommunicate with the BEGs -of any biospecies- that are in the BEL universe. 9) This series of events can be considered as evidence that during the original development of the biospecies, whatever it may be, the BIFL universe played -and plays- an important and even basic function for said biospecies to emerge.

10) Consequently, would it be once again an example of short-sighted anthropocentrism and geocentrism to assume that biospecies could only arise on Earth and, in any case, only in the BML universe? Given that, according to what we are bio-knowing, the appropriate thing to do -and certainly correct- would be to try to harmoniously biointegrate the possible participation and biointeraction of the three universes -BML, BIFL and BEL- in the elaboration and emergence of any component biotagonist. Be it subatomic, atomic, molecular, microscopic, unicellular, macroscopic, multicellular, cosmic or macrocosmic.11) As well as, for its part, the BML universe provides, in abundance and as we are well aware, an unlimited and permanent number of BEGs or systems of organized BEL energy that arise from the biomatter that has finished [biocollapse] its existential cycle in the BML universe. Of course, with prior assistance from the BIFL universe. In which they will surely and with great speed be prepared for their definitive passage and no return to the BEL universe. 12) How, then, could we explain the timely and successful emergence of the biospecies that is morphologically and functionally appropriate for the appropriate ecosystem and with the constitutive biocomponents of the bioenvironment in which it is required to emerge and in which it will emerge specifically adapted and enabled for that habitat, terrestrial or extraterrestrial? 13) If there are, we invite the BEGs of organisms or biotagonists of any biospecies -animal, plant, mineral or human- whose natural existence is mixed, bi-shared, BIFL and BML, indistinctly, to present themselves. That is, that they can naturally and habitually enter and leave or transit or pass, as a complete entity and as a functional characteristic of their own existence, from the BML universe to the BIFL universe and vice versa. That they must be adapted to exist as such and without any alteration, whether in the BML universe or in the BIFL universe. It is likely that there are more prebiotagonists of multiple biospecies in the BIFL universe than in the entire BML universe. What happens, Ruth A López Téllez? -Ruth: The BEGs of stones, of planets, of the great diversity of cosmic biotagonists manifest. In fact, the entire unit universe manifests. The results seem to support the latter possibility. 14) The data we know suggest that all BML, BIFL and BEL biotagonists have always participated, and even more so now with the availability of BEL communication, in a three-way mixed existence: BML, BIFL and BEL. With biofunctions and biometabolism (in these terms, the prefix bio- refers to BML, BIFL or BEL, as the case may be) obviously predominant depending on whether our existence is taking place in the BML, in the BIFL or in the BEL universe, mainly. Different, I suppose, from what happens with the biotagonists of mixed bi-shared natural existence, BML and BIFL.15) Of particular interest are the alleged rod insects that move at high speed, difficult to see with the naked eye and that are only observable when, mainly near caves or grottos -although they have also been recorded on video all over the world, even inside houses-, they are captured by very high-speed cameras or video cameras; and, in general, those designated as extremophile organisms -plants and animals. These are biospecies that have been found, for example, in unusual conditions of high pressure and very high (from 45º C to 80º C) or very low temperature. Organisms called tardigrades are micro metazoans capable of surviving in conditions of cryptobiosis, a state that consists of the suspension of metabolic processes, which some organisms enter when environmental conditions become extreme. That is, anoxybiosis (low oxygen concentration), anhydrobiosis (extreme dryness), osmobiosis (lethal concentrations of salt) and cryobiosis (extreme cold). 16) We know that sleep makes the body rest, but it could also be accompanied by the need and function of the BEG to biointeract and biocommunicate with the BIFL universe or universe of BML and BEL pre-events and pre-components -mixed in functions and properties-, and with the same BEL universe or universe of BEL energy and BEGs. Perhaps, in this way, the BEG can strengthen its BEL energy content and improve -for example, by eliminating ideological BEL parasitism- its quality. That is, to bioenergize, bioreorganize and biorestructure itself.

-ACS: What do the extraterrestrial BEGs make us intuit? -Mercurials: [BEGs of an ancestral ET humanity] Your intuitions are directing us towards what we have been discussing in the BEL communications. In effect, it is a recapitulation of your intuitions to give an explanation to the events of life in the different biospecies in the unit universe. This recapitulation explains why BEL communication occurs and also in the different biospecies that we do not realize, but it occurs… We also fully agree, and it was an intuition that we intuited from you, that ‘dying’ should now be called biocollapse [along with] bioenergize. That is how we intuit it, in effect, as a natural process. We thank you, doctor, for having shared your intuitions with us. -Ruth: They seem very happy.

BELC 10/12/2010. -I will read a list of intuitions. 1) Did all terrestrial primates (monkeys and apes) –and perhaps extraterrestrials– necessarily emerge before humans? 2) Then, the inclination of terrestrial experts to assume and place humans as the 'most' developed and recent biospecies and, therefore, the 'most' advanced in morphofunctional attributes compared to other biospecies would be necessarily anthropocentric. 3) Did all or most non-human terrestrial and extraterrestrial biospecies necessarily arise ‘before’ the respective human biospecies? Or did a significant number of them emerge 'after' the human biospecies that gave them impetus through biovectorization or close BEL interaction? Or rather, is there usually a biobalance and biointeraction through biovectorization between 'less' complex biospecies and 'more' complex biospecies so that other biospecies arise? 4) It means, then, that the 'more' complex plants -terrestrial and extraterrestrial- always emerged 'after' the 'less' complex ones and that 'after' the 'more' complex ones, in general, 'less' complex plants would not have emerged. 5) It would also mean, then, that the 'more' complex animals 'always' arose 'after' the 'less' complex ones and that, in general, 'after' the 'more' complex animals 'less' complex animals no longer emerged. 6) The idea of 'progress' -so popular in terrestrial socioeconomic studies- in biology is translated as complexity and this with the greatest variety of morphofunctional characteristics. Taking it for granted and leaving it implicit that the 'less' complex biospecies, for the same reason, are 'inferior' and the 'more' complex biospecies by extension are 'superior'. 7) Then, a photon turns out to be 'inferior' because it is supposedly 'less' complex than an electron, which would turn out to be 'superior' to the first; and, thus, the 'lower' hydrogen atom with respect to the 'higher' carbon or silicon atoms, and these with respect to chlorine, iron, copper, silver, platinum or gold. Likewise, the supposedly 'inferior' molecule of water compared to the supposedly 'superior' molecules of salt or hydrocarbons, although the participation in the organisms of each of these elements and compounds does not confirm this characterization. 8) So, if not, what is the 'superior' and what is the 'inferior'? 9) Based on what is the 'less' complex 'inferior' and the 'more' complex is 'superior'?

10) Is an extremophile tardigrade 'inferior' to a honey-producing bee, to a salmon that goes upstream to spawn and reproduce, or to a human sufficiently enabled to destroy itself and nature and make space travels for explicit research purposes and with other implicit or hidden or, at least, disguised objectives, to predominate and acquire 'power'? 11) Which biospecies are 'superior' and which are 'inferior'? Microorganisms that cause diseases in multiple biospecies and that, in turn, help many others survive. Bees and wasps that inject venom into diverse biospecies and, on the other hand, pollinate a multitude of plants. Or snakes whose venom is deadly for numerous biospecies, but at the same time help keep the populations of other biospecies in biobalance. 12) Ultimately, which is 'superior' and which is 'inferior', the BML universe, the BIFL universe or the BEL universe? Or will the three universes and their component biotagonists, ‘simple’ or ‘complex’, be equally important to each other? 13) Does 'superiority' lie in the ability or 'intelligence' to destroy the environment and destroy themselves for the mere desire to destroy and not as a search for food? 14) Does 'superiority' lie in devastating nature through complex technologies, in developing weapons of mass destruction and in 'taking over' everything within reach and destroying everything that opposes it? Is this where biological 'superiority' lies? 15) As these anthropocentric concepts of 'superior' and 'inferior' would require serious questioning regarding their validity, applicability and foundation. 16) It would be necessary, at least, a little or a lot of equality in the way of perceiving and qualifying the most diverse biospecies in the three universes that we have proposed (i.e., BML, BIFL and BEL) as Unit Universe Model. 17) Which is 'superior', the BML universe and its amazing display of shapes, lights and colors in harmony. The BIFL universe and its incubator of elusive and unsuspected functions and multifaceted events. Or the BEL universe overflowing with essential energy, living energy, BEL energy or life. Which universe would be 'superior' and which would be 'inferior'? Or rather the three will be mutually complementary, similar and comparable. Organic part also of a universal cosmic morphofunctional unit. 18) And so are all biospecies of plants, animals, minerals and humans, regardless of their biostructure, the deployment of abilities and the size of their morphofunctional characteristics. 19) Who doubts the natural energetic capacities of the 'simple' hydrogen atom if it is violently disintegrated, but at the same time it contributes to providing luminosity to the cosmos?

20) Who doubts the natural physical and biophysical capabilities of water, oxygen, carbon, silicon, copper, iron, radiation or electromagnetism? 21) Without a doubt, the technical advances of some extraterrestrial humanities are recognizable, which allow them to travel through the universe and visit other planets. However, its strict relevance and applicability will always remain in question. What desire for 'domination' and 'power', terrestrial and extraterrestrial, to go searching the universe with 'superior' technologies and 'visiting' other planets to meddle in what no one has invited them and, above all, to steal the natural resources of the same ones? And even less now with BEL communication available to everyone? 22) All results of the universal anthropocentric, terrestrial and extraterrestrial 'deification'. That is, all for nothing, other than the search for 'hegemony', 'power' and accessible invasion and destructiveness. 23) Here is the BEL communication available for those who like to biointeract and bioinform themselves about what they want to know in relation to any of the three universes or the unit universe as a whole.

-ACS: What do the extraterrestrial and terrestrial BEGs opine? -Mercurials: Doctor, in the BML universe all biospecies exist because of that bioexchange, because of that biointeraction. Of course, there is no difference in this biointeraction between the three universes BML, BIFL and BEL. All three are important because they exist and each have their own characteristics and functions. Humans have not considered what you say about particles and molecules, otherwise they would not feel indispensable and outstanding. -Bhrikiam, ET man from the Andromeda constellation: Doctor, I am pleasantly surprised because you actually describe what some extraterrestrial and terrestrial humanities have done, regarding the destruction and interference in the unit universe. It means that the biosyndrome of 'deification' has also extended to the extraterrestrial humanities, by assuming an 'advantage'. The reflections that you have just read leave us in the place we really deserve and it is important to accept it. -BEGs of numerous physicists and chemists: [Albert Einstein, Madame Curie, Niels Bohr, Isaac Newton and others we have invited] Doctor, we finally realize the importance that our BEGs made us intuit about components such as particles, forces, the bioactivity, of the different elements. And we just let ourselves be carried away by the NMEGO and limited ourselves with sometimes failed interpretations of what was happening in the BML universe. And we did not consider further, so our findings were not only limited, incomplete, but also anthropocentric and geocentric. This has prevented us from knowing the origin, not only of humans, but also of life. -Ludwig Wittgenstein: Doctor, it is very pleasant to hear how also with the BEGs of the ancestral extraterrestrial humanities, we are getting to know them thanks to your intuitions. And it is also interesting how the universal BEL language is taken up, as you had already mentioned, through bioparticles. This is how intuitions are and this is how they propagate and biointeract and diffuse in the three universes, in the unit universe. [Gives my BEG a very affectionate hug, for which we thank him.] -BEGs of terrestrial and extraterrestrial babies: It is interesting because we still feel like part of the unit universe and our BEG makes us intuit that we are only biotagonists who complement the lives of other biotagonists. What we need from them and they from us. We do not understand what is 'superiority' nor what is 'inferiority', 'superior' or 'inferior', we only understand that we live because we are part of life. And we like to learn from you, doctor, about life. -BEGs of anthropologists: Doctor, your intuitions seem very clear and punctual to us. It surprises us because we only wanted to find evidence of life in the BML universe, and in life there are a series of biotransformations and stages, in which the BEG is present and continues to be present. Only we don't realize it because we deny the presence of the BEG, the BIFL universe and the BEL universe.

BELC November 26, 2010. -ACS: On November 16, 2010, I had the following intuitions. 1) BEL energy, BEG and BEL communication play an important BEL bioprotective function of BML existence, not only everyday life, but especially outstanding results in imminent, unusual and unforeseen risk events. Sensing effective and sudden solutions. 2) A similar situation occurs during seasonal periodic contagion diseases, such as those that humans -and other biospecies- suffer from on the skin, in the respiratory tract or in the digestive tract, among others. 3) In the unanticipated risk of drowning when swimming in a pool, in a river, lake or in the sea, managing to get to safety or finding help in a 'surprising' and evidently unexpected way. 4) During the presentation of serious illnesses or severe physical injuries, and which were finally overcome until complete recovery. 5) When canceling, at the last minute and for no apparent reason, a trip -by air, land or sea- that ended in disaster. 6) Through dreams that warn of possible risks if a plan is carried out or if, on the contrary, it stops being carried out. As well as the dream solution to problems of all kinds that the person faces. 7) The sudden and intense intuition of moving away from someone or leaving somewhere, not going to a certain place and staying in the safe place where we are at that moment. 8) When suddenly encountering biospecies that, if attacked, would easily put at risk the BML existence of another biospecies, for example, that of a human. 9) By finding an adequate means or the timely solution to get away from some potentially dangerous place or situation.

10) When traveling by car or walking alone at odd hours of the night through unpopulated and obviously dangerous places, without facing mishaps. 11) By driving the car in a reckless, fast and dangerous manner, repeatedly and without serious accidents to regret. 12) By confronting the bioenergemes-parasites and the genocidaires, avoiding their insistent and explicit threats. 13) By preserving the body biostructure of all biotagonists of the BML universe in biobalance. 14) By keeping the biobody -organism- of every biotagonist in the BML universe healthy or the BEG in the BEL universe in stable biobalance. 15) Likewise, by maintaining in biobalance the three universes -BML, BIFL and BEL- of the unit universe and their respective biotagonists that make them up. 16) Ultimately, this bioprotective function of the BEG and BEL communication would have to be attributed to the BEL energy itself and its multiple BEL functions, such as the generation and reception of intuitions. 17) Biointeraction turns out to be, therefore and through intuitions, the main resource and mechanism of existential bioprotection that the BEL energy and the BEG provide to every biotagonist component of the unit universe during the three-shared existence of each one. 18) In summary, thanks to intuitive biointeraction, the BML, BIFL and BEL events of the unit universe are intertwined, strengthened, developed, biotransformed, biobalanced and bioprotected [Ints 11/17-18/2010].

Bioexperience carried out on November 26, 2010. -ACS: Between November 23 and 24, 2010, I had the following intuitions. I also add the intuitions of July 31, 2018. 1) Time (t) is a variable that results from the greater or lesser effect that the force of gravity has on biomatter (matter-energy + its BEG), including space; from the microcosmic scale to the macrocosmic scale (BML universe). The stronger the force of gravity (e.g., on a plain), time slows down. The lower the force of gravity (e.g., at the top of a building), the faster time passes. At the level of subatomic particles, biomatter is minimal; at that scale, BML, BIFL and BEL energies predominate. However, in the BML universe, the force of gravity continues to exert its influence, giving rise to the gravitational quantum fields of the particles. In the BIFL universe, consisting mainly of the attenuated BML, BIFL and BEL energies, adapted to the BIFL universe, therefore, it lacks BML spacetime, only, namely, the BML pre-spacetime and virtual and potential particles. The force of gravity in the BIFL universe is incipient or very attenuated, since there is not enough biomatter to promote it or it is minimal. As for the bioparticles or BEL particles, these lack biomatter-energy, they give rise to or are part of the BEL energy, and they arise and are found, free or organized as BEGs, in the BEL universe, which lacks gravitational fields and, therefore, of BML spacetime. Hence t is a variable that results from the influence of the force of gravity on biomatter, including particles, the gravitational fields that accompany them and in interaction with other quantum processes, thus causing quantized space and time to emerge specific quantized for each of those particles or bioparticles. Thus, the particles are not –we are not– in space or time, but with their interactions, space and time arise in the corresponding gravitational field, at all scales. [30 years ago, on November 11, 1995, in biocommunication with Khriannia, an extraterrestrial woman from the Andromeda constellation, described space as “the property of biomatter of existing and being”, and time as the “property of biomatter not only to exist but to have movement and develop”]. 2) We have already postulated that these biointeractions between particles and bioparticles could be quantum-intuitive and that, through these biointeractions, all component biotagonists, at all scales, of the unit universe, exchange bioinformation, starting from the BML universe to the BIFL and vice versa. However, we know that the BEL universe also actively participates in promoting the formation of the BEG -during embryonic development, in BEL communication or in the elaboration of dreams. That is, the quantum-intuitive events BML, BIFL and BEL, and given their essential three-shared existence, flood the unit universe with the intuitions that emanate from them, and also at all scales, from nanoscopic to macrocosmic. For this reason, we can propose that quantum-intuitive events form the main and most frequent resource for all the component biotagonists of the unit universe to interact and exchange bioinformation, just as it happens in humans and between humans, and between the rest of the biospecies of terrestrial nature, and of other natures of the cosmos, whose component biotagonists are generating intuitions in an incessant and indispensable way. Well, the individual and collective stability of all the biotagonists of the unit universe and at all scales could depend on quantum-intuitive events. As stated repeatedly by various terrestrial human BEGs with whom we have biocommunicated, for whom having paid attention to –or ignored– their intuitions were decisive in the future of their BML existence [Ints October 8, 2018]. 3) However, time is a manifest variable in the BML universe and incipient in the BIFL universe. BML time and its events are shared with the BIFL and BEL universes. Thus, it would be a three-shared biotime (in this notion of biotime, the prefix bio- refers to BML). 4) In the BML universe it would be reflected in the peremptory durability or fragility of BML existence. 5) In the BIFL universe it would be reflected in the speed and impermanence of BIFL existence. 6) BML events would be shared with the BEL universe during, for example, biocommunication. In these cases, directly or indirectly, we are referring to some modality of biotime. 7) Outstanding characteristics of BEL energy and BEG, among others that we have already mentioned, are its BEL strength or biostrength, its biostability and its stable permanence. 8) Biotime is minimum for a subatomic particle -BML- of ephemeral existence. 9) The BML spacetime is fragile in the face of the openings that it is subject to biointeract with the BIFL universe, in a black hole or in the neurobiointerfacemal or neurobioenergemal bridge function of the brain.

10) Biomatter is fragile due to the ease with which, with the passage of biotime, its biostructure weakens, decreases, deteriorates, biocollapses or decays. The ageing of humans and all the biospecies of the BML universe would, then, be an event specific to the BML universe. In contrast, due to the absence of biomatter, ageing should not occur in the BEL universe and permanent existence results. Hence, in the BML universe, a young person can feel and behave like an old person, and an old person like a young person, according to the notable influence of the NMEGO in the first case and the BEG in the second. Hence, we have defined biospecies as the set of biotagonists that make up the unit universe, at all scales, that share the same variety of BEG and, in the BML universe, also of biomatter. 11) Rejuvenation does not occur in the BML universe. However, in the BEL universe it will be a fact that will naturally go practically unnoticed, especially when parasitism prevents the natural state of the BEG from being intuited, which is reflected in the permanence, stability and BEL protection of all BEGs. 12) BML fragility biointeracts with BIFL celerity and achieves the strength of BEL permanence. 13) Biotime of biomaterity + prebiotime of biointerfacemity + stability of bioenergemity = biopermanence of the unit universe. 14) As for space, we would have biospace of biomaterity + prebiospace of biointerfacemity + stability of bioenergemity = permanent bioexistence of the unit universe. (Biomaterity = set of biotagonists of the BML universe; biointerfacemity = set of biotagonists of the BIFL universe; and, bioenergemity = set of biotagonists of the BEL universe). 15) BEL energy gives life to all biotagonists in the unit universe. So, biomatter determines a biotime and a biospace in the BML universe. 16) BEL energy gives life, life promotes the bio-organization and biostructuring of biomatter -BML universe-, favors the formation of prebiomatter -BIFL universe- and BEGs -BEL universe-. 17) BEL energy fulfills an outstanding biocreative function throughout the unit universe. In the BML universe it participates in BML biospace and biotime and in the various BML forces studied in physics. 18) In the BIFL universe, it participates in its own pre-events. 19) And in the BEL universe it gives rise, especially, to the bioforce of intuitions.

20) So, biotime or BML time is a physical variable that in the BIFL universe is found as prebiotime or virtual or potential biotime. 21) Consequently, the three universes that form the unit universe are three versions whose participation and function is complementary to each other. That is why existence is three-shared. We exist biospatially and biotemporally in one of the universes, but we biointeract intuitively with all three universes at once. 22) 22.1 In the BEL universe the functions of BEL energy are evident. 22.2 In the BIFL universe, the BEL and BML functions begin to manifest themselves indirectly and incipiently, as in the bioscenes and bioimages of dreams or biocommunication. 22.3 And in the BML universe, those functions of BEL energy are obscured by the glittering notoriety of biomatter characteristics, including BML biospace and biotime. 23) Biorremembering the past and, as they call it, 'remembering the future', are only possible options for that biotemporal and biospatial functional participation of BEL energy. In this case, then, biotime would be captured -in the BML universe- as an ongoing personal intuition, and in the BEL universe as a static personal intuition, as if it did not exist. 24) Intuition is, as we know, a BEL function, that is, of the BEL energy and BEG that, in the three universes, is transmitted through bioparticles. Hence, in the BEL universe in which BEL energy functions predominate, stability would be explained because biointeractions, it is assumed, are basically through intuitions. 25) In the BIFL universe biotime is virtual or potential, again, as in dreams or biocommunication. 26) Finally, in the BML universe intuitions still persist, but they are concealed by the functions of BML existence that are predominant. So, intuitions can only manifest in special conditions such as dreams, biocommunication or while awake by distracting the NMEGO or training it to pay attention to the natural flow of intuitions when biorremembering the past and/or when explaining events that do not exist. They understood each other, by anticipating the future by anticipating events or by demonstrating through BEL communication with another human BEGs or other biospecies what they thought, felt or did or what they will think, feel or do. As happens when we anticipate some event or comment that someone will make. 27) Being able to biorremember –or bioenergemally remember– the past is thanks to the neurobiointerfacemal and neurobioenergemal participation of intuitions; and anticipating, discovering or unveiling the future can only be carried out through the same neurobiointerfacemal and neurobioenergemal participation of intuitions. Knowing the properties, functions, biostructure, mechanisms and characteristics of any biotagonist or event of the unit universe is only possible by virtue of the explanatory participation that we receive from the neurobioenergemal and neurobiointerfacemal intuitions, for example, while awake spontaneously or during BEL communication or during dreams. 28) In the life cycles of nano, submicro, micro or macro BML bodies, the organizational and structuring function of bioenergy participates, as happens in the circadian, menstrual, tidal and other existential cycles such as the life cycles of insects or in the various physical states of water as well. 29) For its part, biospace or BML space is closely linked to biotime or BML time and forms a close and indissoluble binomial that can be intuited and, above all, perceived given the relevance they acquire in the BML universe to which they contribute in their origin and in which promote a good part of their BML functions determined by BEL biointeractions such as intuitions, BEL communication, biovectorization, intuitionality, dreams, bioenerscience or intuiscience -intuitional knowledge-, biocreativity and others.

30) As if biospace gave rise to the biotime required to pass and move as the intuition that it is and biotime participated, facilitated and complemented the properties and needs of biospace. Moving through it at the speed of intuition, which not even intuition itself can specify, because it is not necessary, that would be trying to see the BEL universe as if it were the BML universe. The human NMEGO, as we have commented, frequently assumes the inappropriate attitude of neglecting the intuitions coming from the BEG, ignoring them, discrediting them or even blocking them. 31) In the BML universe, as we have already commented, intuition has, namely, the following characteristics: it is sudden, involuntary, spontaneous, intense, truthful, convincing, isolated or in sequence, bioinformative, illuminating, sometimes premonitory or anticipatory, innovative, biocreative, inspiring, dreamlike, permanent, induces responses, fluid, is discreet, involuntary, motivates, causes joy, shared for example when biovectorized, biobalances, very fast and unexpected in its presentation, usually induces a response immediate, it is persistent -it does not disappear-, at best it demands attention, it protects BML existence, it is neurobiointerfacemal and neurobioenergemal -for terrestrial humans and for other biospecies- in the BML universe, it also fulfills its function in the BIFL universe and, of course, as a form of communication in the BEL universe, it is also explanatory and reflects the Intuilish or language of intuitions. 32) We have mentioned as examples, among many others, of intuitions: biocommunication, biovectorization, intuitionality, biointeraction, dreams, biocreativity, bioenerscience or intuiscience, empathy and, now, biotime and biospace. 33) That is, if the existence of every biotagonist of the unit universe is three-shared, then, the intuitions that bioshare and with which said component biotagonists biointeract in the three universes of the unit universe, also lead a trishared existence, contribute to it and give it sustenance. 34) Three-shared biointeraction consists of the exchange of BEL information through intuitions.

What do the human BEGs present opine? Could biotime be a possible experience of tri-shared existence, specifically an intuition, like biospace could also be, as well as the BIFL and BEL events that complement and interconnect them? -Bhrikiam: Doctor Cuevas, it seems to me that all your intuitions help us to know and explain our actions, because it seems that we carry them out without even accepting that it was something of BEL origin. We assume that they are actions that 'intelligence' made us deduce. -The following comments are from the BEL communication of January 20, 2019, particularly in relation to paragraph 1. -Bhrikiam: Doctor, I am glad to hear your intuitions again, now with respect to biospace-time, in a simple and, in turn, with what we know about the force of gravity. You manage to explain such complex processes for the NMEGO that it cannot see or identify such small [nanoscopic] processes that, if it were not for that speed and the force of gravity always present there, could not be explained. The same thing happens in macrocosmic biospaces. -Stephen Hawking: Doctor, your intuitions surprised me, I liked them, I like them. Indeed, the force of gravity in the unit universe is very variable and is modified according to both the BML and BEL circumstances, which suggests that, at the BIFL level, variations originate and effects occur in the BEL universe and the BML universe. I am beginning to understand your contributions, doctor, because in my own body I experienced it and I couldn't explain why. I speak at a biocellular level. Thank you, doctor. -Werner Heisenberg: Doctor, it seemed to me, it seems very interesting to me, it is an original way of explaining the dynamics of the force of gravity in biospace-time. -Erwin Schröedinger: Doctor, [smiles] I agree with what you propose, I could summarize it as to explain biospace-time, you start from 'chaos', in quotes, to see it as a process in which the force of gravity it has a characteristic that unites it or integrates it into the tri-shared existence. It's a pleasure, doctor. -Paul M. Dirac: Your intuitions are very interesting, doctor, and if the force of gravity is variable in the universe, the biointraction between the different biospecies is motivated by it. This explains why for the NMEGO in the BML universe a biospecies ceases to exist, it only needed to explain that in that biospecies the force of gravity was modified. -Albert Einstein: Doctor, it is also a pleasure for me to hear you. The BEL research, doctor, has allowed... has given rise to various intuitions. Explaining biotime is very important for the human, terrestrial and extraterrestrial NMEGO, since we wanted to know it, above all, control it. Doctor, I add to your intuitions that this has been the motivation for the search for the BEG, to confirm its existence and the three-shared existence. The force of gravity already had a name, it remained to explain its origin, its function and its destination, biospace.

The Force of Gravity g and the Force of Temporality t (or of ageity d), and Ageing. A proposal

BELC October 11, 2024. Ints 09/26-10/20/2024. 1) Just as space has its g-force and its structure, and we are measuring or calculating it all the time, from dawn to dusk, I wonder if time could also be a natural t-force, which we are confirming all the time. That is, space and time would share their respective force, thus forming the link that we know between them and that has already been studied and described by experts. From which it turned out that time is not a cumbersome satellite of space, it is, as I understand it now, a natural parameter to consider. 2) Time flows, space is located. The structure of space is flexible and adaptable, as is its g-force. The same would be the possible force t of time. We know that they are both elastic. That accompany and sustain and influence each other, to the point of succumbing and disappearing under extreme conditions, such as those of the BIFL and probably BEL universes, according to what we know. 3) Space and time coincide, are coupled (spatial data) and are simultaneous (temporal data). If we talk about space we talk about time and if we talk about time we talk about space. Events have to occur in time and form or space, it is often stated in some disciplines, such as in judicial procedures. Grammar speaks, at least, about place, where? and time when? If we observe an object, we forget the subject (ourselves). If we deal with the subject, we ignore the surrounding objects. 4) If, in fact, time is also mediated by a force t, then I ask, should we ask if the possible force of temporality (or of ageity d) could involve the carrying chronos and antichronos particles? [09/25/2024]. 5) If so, space and time may be bioenergemally coincident. Let's look at three everyday examples. 1) Ruth and I went, mid-morning on September 25, 2024, to attend to a matter outside the office. After various vicissitudes, perhaps an hour and a half later we returned to the office. Just as we arrived, we saw a courier approaching the door to deliver the product that we had purchased a day and a half before and that we had completely forgotten. They say what day they will deliver the order, but not the time. Without ignoring that the courier, in turn, would surely have already gone to other places to make various deliveries. Everything was coordinated and the messenger and us bioenergemally coincided in space and time. 2) A week later, Ruth had another similar experience at school where she worked with at least three BEL coincidences. And, 3) Before we walked 9 km a day, now only 5 km, on these walks coincidences are not rare when commenting about someone who usually goes to exercise, when commenting on it, suddenly the person mentioned usually appears, of course, without knowing when (time) or where (space). Through involuntary BEL communication, we had an intuition that it was approaching. 6) How do space and time usually coincide? How is this spatiotemporal or BML coincidence harmonized and regulated? How are both events that act as intertwined synchronized? It would seem a natural intertwining at the level of everyday terrestrial BML existence and in which humans -in this case terrestrial- we are space-time participants exchanging BEL intuitions, via the BIFL universe, which locate and intertwine us just as it is programmed so that both parties coincide. It would seem like a mini domestic space trip… 7) Is it possible that only in space there is a g force that supports it, or that time also has a t force that is coordinated with the first in known cosmic events, and for BEL coincidences like the ones we share with you to arise or result? Which, by the way, would be very complicated and uncertain to explain in any other way... Or is time just a secondary satellite of space and with less relevance? Or as others forcefully affirm, time does not exist... It does not seem to be like that; however, it should exist in notions such as change, interval, event or fact... 8) Perhaps it is opportune moment to start considering the possibility that time is a force t carried by the chronos and antichronos particles that, in coordination with the g force of gravity, stabilize spacetime and all the bodies that are in it. 9) How do we reasonably explain the ageing of all nano, submicro, micro and macro bodies in the BML universe? 

10) How else can we explain that eternity exists in the BEL universe if not through the absence of those two forces g and t in it? 11) How do we explain the intense creative activity and accelerated impetuosity that occur in the BIFL universe if it is not, to begin with, the potential emergence and incipient elaboration of those two aforementioned forces? 12) What does it tell us that the average longevity of terrestrial and ETs humans is around one hundred years old if it is not because the cosmos shares the same forces of universal gravity and temporality or ageity? 13) Applicable equally to the definition of the life cycle of all macro, micro. submicro and nano component biotagonists of the BML universe. 14) A BML universe with only the g force is an incomplete universe. What do time and space not also share in being elastic? Celestial bodies curve space balanced by the g force. And doesn't the t-force of time cooperate and participate in that process? Or is the elasticity of time just a simple mechanical consequence without its own t-force at work? 15) Or are the forces of space g and time t driving the bodies of the BML universe? 16) Did the BML universe emerge modulated by the coordination of universal force-g of space and force-t of time? 17) If a small amount of matter-energy or spacetime reached the BEL universe, it would immediately impose the g and t forces on it and it would cease to be eternal. 18) In the BML universe there is no body without the force-g of space and without the force-t of time, both saturate everything and thus define the life cycles that are their own, at a nano, submicro, micro and macro level. The formation of supernovae confirms that the force of gravity g and the force of temporality t (or of ageity d) cause the unitary ageing of all nano, submicro, micro and macro bodies in the BML universe. 19) In the coincidences it is shown that the spatial g force influences the force-t of temporality (or ageity) and this influences the former. 

20) Everything that moves naturally does so at a speed that results from the forces of temporality or ageity and gravity, and everything in the BML universe moves at its own pace, as demonstrated by the constant speed of light, an inescapable part of its life cycle. 21) Of course, the forces of temporality (or ageity) and gravity are attenuated during human rest lying on the bed during sleep, dreaming, and relaxing during biocommunication. 22) What does the BML universe have that causes the bodies that form it to age? The permanent action of the force of gravity on bodies could cause wear and tear on them, especially if the force of temporality or ageity is added to the force of gravity. For example. When a massive star -with a mass 9, 10 or more times that of the Sun- ages and consumes its fuel and stops producing energy inside through nuclear fusion -of hydrogen, helium and other atoms-, it suddenly collapses under its own g-force of gravity -without forgetting the t-force of temporality (or ageity)- causing a powerful explosion called a supernova, thus giving rise to either a neutron star or even a black hole. 23) The existence of all bodies in the BML universe occurs by adapting to the force of gravity g and the force of temporality t (or ageity). Walking or functioning as a unit is always done by overcoming the g-force of gravity and the t-force of temporality (or ageity), for an average person it is possible to do it even for hours, but when running the margin of resistance decreases noticeably and quickly, fatigue is overwhelming, and if exhaustion persists it can lead to the person's biocollapse due to extreme fatigue. Over time, something similar happens in other bodies such as an atom, a horse or a massive star. Sooner or later, the stages that a body goes through when opposing or adapting to g-force and t-force are fatigue, exhaustion and destruction, whether nano, submicro, micro or macro bodies are referred to [Ints 10/20/2024]. 24) What doesn't happen in the BEL universe that the BEGs don't age? The absence of wear and tear caused by the forces of gravity and temporality (or ageity) in the BML universe, but surely also by the presence of vitality in the form of BEL energy, essential energy, living energy, bioenergy or life that characterizes it, results in eternal permanence, endless... Life does not die, the body biocollapses, as we have stated. 25) If, as we have defined it, the BIFL universe is the universal source of creativity, is the BEL universe the source of BEL energy, of life, which rather in the form of BEG -and perhaps free- activates and coordinates the entire UU, BML, BIFL and BEL universes together? The BEL universe is, then, a living environment or reality, weightless and timeless: formed mainly -or perhaps only- by organized or free BEL energy, without entropy, disorder or chaos, or much less disintegration or extinction, stable, very stable... 26) In the BML universe, the change in mobility intervals prevails and thus history is made. In contrast, in the BEL universe the results of conserved changes are received in the form of organized BEGs. Immutable until before the BEL investigation that began in January 1992, when a window was opened that now allows the BEG the voluntary action of ceasing to be immutable through, once again, the extraordinary BIFL universe. The collective and universal BEL dialogue has begun to gradually expand and, I trust, never to close again. Now, we can affirm that the BML and BEL history is written by the change, the interval, from the BML spacetime, in the BIFL bioscenario in biodialogue with BEGs of the generous BEL universe. 27) If we study an object, we forget the subject (ourselves) and if we pay attention to ourselves, we forget the surrounding objects. The study of the object or the subject are mutually exclusive. 

What do you opine individually, could time be a t force of temporality (or ageity), in close balance with the g force of gravity of space? Does anyone like to comment? Albert Einstein: “Doctor, your intuitions are very interesting. In the BML universe it is possible that, in fact, both have their own force and hence many of the actions carried out are even surpassed by that, by time. That is, they cannot be located, it is more independent. However, this same force in macro biological phenomena has more specific repercussions, possibly because it manages to establish a better link with the g force. That is, we could specify that this g force and that t force could vary depending on the organism.” Isaac Newton: Doctor, it is interesting how three-shared existence can play a relevant role here because in this way the coincidences are maintained in the BML universe.” Madame Curie: “Doctor, I find the approaches very interesting because they are no longer limited to conceiving time as a force that equals its function to all phenomena, but rather manages to distribute its functions, the circumstance in which it is found.” Abdus Salam: “In effect, the intuitions that you share with us are at the same time every day and do not only remain a mere name of what forces are interacting, nor if they are quantum events. The BEL event itself seems more relevant to the tri-shared existence.” Bertrand Russell: “I agree, doctor, what happens is that we experienced it on many occasions and we did not know how to listen, it is like meeting someone without seeing them, or the wrinkles without seeing them, without doing anything about it. We were blind and deaf to the testing of new discoveries.” The other BEGs in the assembly affirm: “We didn't see when we had to see.” 

What do the already known ET BEGs opine? Silvery; “Doctor, well there are indeed events in which the t force coincides with the g force, but there are many more events in which these are seen with a coincidence that is not so specific or obvious and which, however, are in correlation.” Transparents: “Doctor, we have had samples of these examples in biocommunications, perhaps these types of events and intuitions have been more prevalent among us. And these themselves can explain the different biotransformations that occur in the UU and that perhaps have neither the significance nor the explanation of the terrestrial NMEGO.” Khriannia: “Doctor, I am pleasantly surprised because in fact by listening to you and those who preceded me, I am able to understand the importance of these forces and how BEL events occur to which we do not give that credibility. And we assume we found it, but we don't." Bhrikiam: “It is very interesting how all these events can be explained, how the trips we take could be better organized if we followed our intuitions. We could avoid many accidents.”


Ints 10/22/2024. Is there a universe with space without g force and with time without t force? Yes, the BEL universe in which there are no gravitons or antigravitons that mediates the g force, nor chronos or antichronos that carry the t force, particles exclusive to the BML universe. It has BEL space and BEL time. So there the BEGs of all bioespecies of the UU live structured and functional, but they do not get tired, exhausted or destroyed: they are eternal, in an amazing universe in which the BEL energy, essential energy, living energy, bioenergy or life exists and prevails... [1-5].


I acknowledge Ruth A. López-Téllez for her clever assistance and permanent help.

Conflicts of Interest



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Citation: Cuevas-Sosa A (2024) The Forces of Gravity g and Temporality t (or of ageity d), and the Unitary Ageing of Nano, Submicro, Micro and Macro Bodies. J Altern Complement Integr Med 10: 526.

Copyright: © 2024  Alejandro Cuevas-Sosa, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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