Journal of Community Medicine & Public Health Care Category: Medical Type: Editorial

Why We Missed the Living Force in All Living Beings?

Maria Kuman1*
1 Holistic Research Institute, Knoxville, TN 37923, United states

*Corresponding Author(s):
Maria Kuman
Holistic Research Institute, Knoxville, TN 37923, United States

Received Date: Apr 21, 2024
Accepted Date: Jun 24, 2024
Published Date: Jul 01, 2024


When scientists study living beings, they kill them first and then they dissect them. They study the parts of the body, but they have lost the living force that makes the body alive. When a living being dies and the living force leaves, the material body is a good for nothing empty shell that needs to be discarded. Thus, all our scientific efforts went to study the material body and nothing was done to study the living force that actives it. This article is about the nature of the living force that activates, rules, and regulates everything in the body. 

After a living being dies, it does not have aura any more. Aura, means “light” in Hebrew. Is the weak aura (light) the activating living force? What kind of light is the aura? The fact that the aura of a plant leaf remains whole even when almost half of the leaf is cut off [1], and the fact that humans can feel pain in amputated leg [1] means that the aura has holographic nature because only holographic images created with laser light have this feature. Is the aura (the activating living force) a weak laser type of light? 

I started studding the weak field of the aura with Kirlian photography, which uses high-frequency electric field to multiply the photons of the weak aura and make it photographable. I found that positive emotions make the aura brighter, while negative emotions make the aura dimmer [2]. Therefore, the aura is emotionally sensitive and its presence in the body make us emotional and emotionally creative (because there is no creativity without emotions) [2]. Thus, we are material body and a living force (seen as aura), which makes us emotional and emotionally creative. 

I found with my studies that the weak field of the aura rules and regulates everything in the body and since the aura is emotionally sensitive, this makes the functioning of all our organs emotionally sensitive. My studies found [3] that: 

1/ positive emotions (or just positive thinking) increase the energy of the aura, which is the living force, and make it more balanced. Since perfect balance means perfect health, this means that positive emotions (or just positive thinking) makes us healthier. 

2/ negative emotions (or just negative thinking) decrease the energy of the aura, which is the living force, and make it more unbalanced because the energy of the genetically inherited weak organ drops maximum. This means that negative emotions (or just negative thinking) with time will lead to a disease of the genetically inherited weak organ. 

It was found that he same emotional stress (negative emotions or just negative thinking) leads to chronic disease in one individual and cancer in another individual. It is believed to be determined by genetic predisposition and I am going to explain for the first time what this means. 

1/ When the genetically inherited weak organ has lower energy within the cells (genetic predisposition), since distress (strong negative emotions) causes delays (the body need to stop what it was doing and mobilize for response to the stressor), distress with time will lead to disordered cellular biorhythms manifested as chronic disease [4]. 

2/ When the genetically inherited weak organ has lower integrating energy between the cells (genetic predisposition), distress (strong negative emotions) with time will farther lower the energy between the cells. Russian studies found that when the energy between the cells is ten times lower, formations like stacked coins appear between the cells. The disconnected cells start multiplying fast, just like they do in a cut wound to heal the wound fast. But when in a cut wound the fast-growing cells are governed by the current of regrowth, in a cancerous tissue they multiply senselessly, which is called malignancy or cancer of the genetically inherited weak organ [4]. 

Let’s go back to my findings with Kirlian photography that positive emotions make the aura brighter and negative emotions make the aura dimmer. Since we say we are in high Spirit when experiencing positive emotions and we say we are in low Spirit when experiencing negative emotions, I concluded that the aura (the living force) must be our Spirit. I found confirmation of my conclusion in the ancient Jewish Cabala, which was teaching to high priest that the aura is our Spirit – aura (Spirit). 

All this means that we are material body and aura (Spirit), which is the life force that bring life to the material body. My life-long study of the aura found that the weak field of the aura (Spirit) is nonlinear electromagnetic field (NEMF). Since nonlinear fields can imprint information, the aura (Spirit) NEMF is informational field. When a cell is fertilized, an embryo can start developing only when the informational field of aura (Spirit) is present to say what kind of emotional personality the individual is going to be. 

And at death when the Spirit NEMF leaves the material body, the Spirit (being informational NEMF) have imprinted and carry the individual’s whole lifespan information. A proof that our Creator put everything related to the Spirit in the Subconscious to give us freedom of choice is the fact that hypnotists when putting the Conscious to sleep to access the Subconscious (usually to find what cause the disease of the individual) found that the Subconscious contains full records not only of the last lifetime, but also of all previous lifetimes [5]. 

In conclusion, we need to emphasize the importance of studding not only the material body, but also the activating living force, which rules and regulates everything in the material body. The weak field of the activating living force (seen as aura) rules and regulates not with its strength, but with the information it carries. Now, when we started making Quantum Computers working with informational fields, it is high time to acknowledge that we have in the Subconscious a Quantum Computer, which with the waves of the informational field of the aura (Spirit) rules and regulates everything in the material body [6]. 

Proof of the existence of Quantum Computer in the Subconscious is the fact that hypnotized individuals with sleeping Conscious calculate at least 10,000 times faster. This proves that in the Subconscious we have a computer much more powerful than our conscious computer on the surface of the brain, which is a Digital Computer working with a set of neurons. Since Quantum Computers are much faster than Digital Computers, the powerful computer in the Subconscious must be a Quantum Computer working with the waves of the emotional Spirit (the living force). 

This Quantum Computer, through the waves of the living force - the informational field of the aura (Spirit) - rules and regulates everything in the body. If so, with the info-energy of a prayer, we should be able to influence the informational field of the aura (Spirit), restore the balance, and bring back the health.  The Quantum Computer is also the source of our: 1/ intuition and intuitive creativity, 2/ telepathic abilities (which are a resonance of the Quantum Computers of two individuals), and 3/ clairvoyance ability allowing to predict the future and see the past, which are Quantum jump to the future and the past [7].


  1. Kuman M (2018) Why Is It So Important to Avoid the Acupuncture Points during Surgery? Phantom Pain and Phantom Leaf Have the Same Holographic Nature as the Subconscious Images. Chronicles of Medicine and Surgery 2: 265-268.
  2. Kuman M (2020) Why Are We Emotional, Why Are We Craving Love? v. 3, Health and Happiness Books.
  3. Kuman M (2019) The Key to Health and Happiness – Measurements Show that Not Only Is It Important What We Eat and Drink – It Is Equally Important What We Think. Current Trends of Biomedical Engineering and Biosciences 18.
  4. Kuman M (1994) The Info-energy of Prayer Should Be Able to Stop the Development of Cancer and Restore the Informational Field between the Cells. Global Journal of Medical Research (submitted).
  5. Weiss B (1997) Many Lives, Many Masters, Bantam Books.
  6. Kuman M (2020) Glimpse to Future Science – the Quantum Computer in Our Subconscious, v. 4, Health and Happiness Books.
  7. Kuman M (2020) Explaining the Unexplainable through Uniting Science and Religion, v. 5, Health and Happiness Books.

Citation: Kuman M (2024) Why We Missed the Living Force in All Living Beings. J Community Med Public Health Care 11: 149

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