Scientific Indexing Services ID: 6602
HSOA Journal of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery is an international open access peer-reviewed journal with the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) 2573-010X, publishing on all aspects and sub-specialties of otolaryngology, head and neck surgery. This journal contains detailed, comprehensive, free scientific articles which will suit the needs of surgeons operating in the head and neck region, whether they are otolaryngologists or specialists from overlapping disciplines.
Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery is one of the medical specialties which entwined both medicine and surgery fields. The physicians and otolaryngologists strive hard to develop new techniques and tools to treat problems related to ear, nose, throat, head and neck. This is the best forum for the otolaryngologists, physicians and surgeons to publish their medical and surgical works. This journal aims to span from minute to major issues related to ENT.
The periodicals of this journal are indexed in Google scholar, Scientific Indexing Services (SIS), J-Gate and also members of Crossref, ORCID and publons. Readers can access and download the articles freely. Accessing and downloading the articles will increase the journal impact factor, as the impact factor is the evaluating factor for the journal quality.
Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery covers different aspects of Acoustic Neuroma; Anterior Skull Base Surgery; Bronchoesophagology; Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate; Cochlear Implant Surgery; Cold Sore Remedies; Endoscopic Sinus Surgery; Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery; Geriatric Otolaryngology; Head and Neck Oncology; Hearing Aids; Hearing Implants; Inventional Radiology; Laryngology; Maxillofacial Rehabilitation; Neurotology; Oral Oncology; Otitis; Otology; Otorhinolaryngology; Pediatric Otolaryngology; Rhinology; Rhinosinusitis; Sinus Drainage; Sinus Infections; Speech Science; Vocal Cord Paralysis; Vocal Cords
Author(s): Emanuele Agrimi, Caterina Tripodi, Ingrid Raponi, Eugenio Martino, Edoardo Marcelli, Giuseppe Tortoriello, Arcangelo Menna, Andrea Marzetti, Vincenzo Marcelli, , ,
Author(s): Haoxiang Yang, Yaxin Luo, Qiang Liu
Author(s): Tang Mi, Wang Jie, Zhang Qinxiu
Author(s): Aravind Viswanathan, Samir Jambhekar, Archith Rajan, Alexander Lin, Laurie A Loevner, Sanjeev Chawla
Author(s): Phillip Ashley Wackym, Ksenia Ariella Aaron
Author(s): Douimi L, Labib O, Bijou W, Oukessou Y, Rouadi S, Abada R, Roubal M, Mahtar M