Trends in Anatomy and Physiology

NLM ID: 101731839

Scientific Indexing Services ID: 6732

Trends in Anatomy and Physiology (ISSN: 2640-7752) deals with the studies of structural and functional aspects of organs and organ systems of human body, through the application of experimental analysis and modern techniques to remediate the maladies affecting mankind.

This is an online Anatomy and Physiology Journal which hopes to enhance and upgrade the research work in the field of anatomy and physiology. It provides an integrative forum for anatomists and physiologists across the globe to exchange their knowledge and views. It provides an opportunity to academicians to promulgate their knowledge that is directly relevant to all domains of health sciences.

This open access anatomy research journal archives the publication of anatomy research and reviews, physiology research and reviews, organ systems and their functions etc. Readers can access and download these archives, which eventually increases the impact factor. Journal is indexed in Google scholar, DOI and J-Gate, and one of the members of ORCID and publons.

Scope of the journal includes the wide arena of topics:

Body Systems and Functions; Medical Physiology; Comparative Functional Morphology; Cell Biology and Tissue Architecture; Developmental Biology; Evolutionary Developmental Biology; Evolutionary Morphology; Functional Human Anatomy; Integrative Vertebrate Paleontology; Methodological Innovations in Anatomical Research; Musculoskeletal System; Neuroanatomy and Neurodegeneration; Significant Advances in Anatomical Education; Anatomical Approaches; Human Body Anatomy; Neurosurgery and Neurobiology; Gynecology and Obstetrics; Radiologic Anatomy; Immunology and Neuroendocrinology; Nervous System and Embryology; Pediatric Physiology and Pathology; Renal Anatomy; Skin Physiology; Sexual Anatomy; Transplantation; Infectious Diseases; Cardiovascular System; Endocrine System; Gastrointestinal System; Human Oesteology; Muscular and Lymphatic System; Excretory System; Cell and Hematology; Nutrition and Digestive System; Developmental Biology, Neurobiology; Embryology; Clinical Anatomy; Comparative Anatomy; Modern Imaging Techniques.

Current Issue

Category: Clinical
Article Type: Research Article
Testicular Assessment of (Okra) Abelmoschus Esculentus Treated Wistar Rats

Author(s): Obeten KE, Egwumba FC, Olakunle OA, Etukudo E, Tito AE

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