Author's Guidelines
Herald Scholarly Open Access publishes peer-reviewed scientific research which provides an immediate free access to articles.
• Research Articles word count up to 4000.
• Review Article Word count 3000 to 6000.
• Case Report Word count up to 2000.
• Current Opinion Word count 1500 to 3000.
• Leading Article Word count up to 3000.
• Systematic Review Word count up to 10,000.
• Editorial/Commentary Word count up to 1500.
• Letter to the Editor/Short Commentary Word count up to 1200.
Writing your paper
Gets Started - Processing Format
- The accompanying word processor file formats are acceptable for the primary manuscript archive for all of Herald Scholarly Open Access journals: Microsoft word (DOC, DOCX).
- Paper may as well begin with a brief paragraph that outlines the message of the article without specific wording, for a non-master readership. This passage ought to be utilized as the abstract for submission purposes
- Papers should be composed in the sequence: title, text, methods, references, Supplementary Information line (if any), acknowledgements, author commitments, author data (containing data deposition statement, competing interest declaration and corresponding author line), tables and figure legends
Author Affiliation:
Authors should disclose their affiliations (Name, Department, Institution, University, City)
Corresponding Author:
Details should include Name, Department, Institution, University, City, State, Country, Telephone, Fax and E-mail
The Abstract should be instructive and totally self-explanatory, briefly exhibit the topic, state the scope of the experiments, demonstrate note worthy information, and call attention to significant discoveries and conclusions. After a short presentation of the theme, the rundown restates the key purposes of the article and notice conceivable directions for prospective research. Abstract may as well abridge the content in 300 words. Reference citations ought not to be incorporated in this segment, and abbreviations should not be included without illustrations. Ideal format accommodate study background, methods, results and conclusion.
3-6 catchphrases/keywords (They should be separated with semicolon e.g., Cancer; Radiotherapy; Chemotherapy)
Manuscript Title:
Title word limit is 25 and should not contain abbreviations. The title should be a brief phrase portraying the contents of the paper.
Introduction: It may as well speak to tone of the paper. It should provide a reasonable articulation of study, the relevant literature on the subject, and the proposed methodology or result. It needs to lure the spectator’s consideration from an expansive reach of scientific disciplines.
Materials and Methods: Materials and Methods should furnish complete outline of the study. The details of materials or members, comparisons, portrayal of interventions and sort of investigations are to be included. New procedures should be mentioned clearly; previously published procedures should be referred to, and specific changes of published techniques are to be mentioned briefly. Capitalize trade names; include the manufacturer's name and address.
The Methods segment should be subdivided by short striking headings referring to the methods utilized, subsections for statistics, reagents and animal models are also considered. There ought to be no duplication between the Methods segment and the Supplementary Information.
Units: Units might as well have a single space between the number and the unit, and follow SI nomenclature or the terminology regular to a specific field. Unusual units or abbreviations are to be characterized in the legend.
Results and Discussion: It should furnish the complete details of experiments that support the conclusion. Results and Discussions may be consolidated or separated as a section. Speculation and descriptive analysis of data are not to be incorporated in the results, but can be included in the discussion segment.
Acknowledgement: Includes affirmation of individuals, grant details, funds, and conflict of interest.
Note: If author fails to neglects to submit his/her work according to the above directions, they are pleased to uphold clear titles to be specific headings, subheading and particular subtitles.
Reference Guidelines
- Only published or accepted manuscripts should be incorporated in the reference rundown. Meetings abstracts, conference speeches, or research papers that have not been accepted, but only submitted, ought not to be referred to.
- One of author’s responsibilities during submission is making sure about the precision and completeness of their references.
- References are recorded and numbered in the order that they show up in the content. In the content, citations should be demonstrated by the reference number in brackets. Numerous references inside a solitary set of brackets should be differentiated by commas. Where there are three or more successive citations, they are to be mentioned in a range.
Journal Reference:
List all authors, if five or less, divided by comma emulated by article title, journal abbreviation, volume and page no’s as takes after
- Hayflick L (1980) Recent developments in the cell science of maturing. Mech Ageing Dev 14: 59-79.
- Ohgaki H, Kleihues P (2013) The meaning of essential and optional glioblastoma. Clin Cancer Res 19: 764-772.
- Henriksson R, Asklund T, Poulsen HS (2011) Impact of treatment on personal satisfaction, neurocognitive capacity and their corresponds in glioblastomamultiforme: an audit. J Neurooncol 104: 639-646.
- Nagane M, Lin H, Cavenee WK, Huang HJ (2001) Aberrant receptor motioning in human threatening gliomas: instruments and helpful suggestions. Cancer Lett 162: 17-21.
- Pandita A, Aldape KD, Zadeh G, Guha A, James CD (2004) Contrasting in vivo and in vitro destinies of glioblastoma unit subpopulations with enhanced EGFR. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 39: 29-36.
- List all authors, if six or more, emulated by “et al.” as follows
- Ogino S, Brahmandam M, Kawasaki T, Kirkner GJ, Loda M, et al. (2006) Epigenetic profiling of synchronous colorectal neoplasias by quantitative DNA methylation investigation. Mod Pathol 19: 1083-1090.
- Abbreviate names of the journals according to the list in PubMed: (
Book References:
Larkey LK, Greenlee H, Mehl-Madrona LE (2008) Complementary and alternative approaches to cancer prevention. In: David S Alberts, Lisa M Hess (eds.). Fundamentals of Cancer Prevention. (2ndedn), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany.
Conference Reference
McGregor A, Liebelt J, Schleiss M (2009) Humanizing the Guinea Pig Cytomegalovirus (GPCMV) antiviral model by generation of a chimeric virus encoding HCMV UL54”. 12th International CMV meeting, Boston.
Reports Reference
Panel on Antiretroviral Guidelines for Adults and Adolescents (2008) Guidelines for the use of antiretroviral agents in HIV-1-infected adults and adolescents. Department of Health and Human Services.
Web Page Reference
Figures and Tables
Preferred file formats for figures should be in bitmap formats (JPEG, GIF, TIFF, etc.). Please send us the Photoshop indexes, in case the pictures need any differential segments on distinctive layers.
Picture Resolutions
Line Art - 1000 ppi
Line Art + Halftone - 600 ppi
Halftone - 300 ppi
Figure Legends:
Use numerical to designate figures (e.g., Figure 1). Include justifiable description, if necessary.
Figure Quality:
During submissions, figures are supposed to be at sufficient quality, preferably as JPEGs.
Tables can be included in the text or can be submitted as separate file, oriented in portrait form (not landscape) and upright on the page, not sideways.
Table Legends:
Use numerical to designate tables (e.g., Table 1). Include justifiable description, if necessary.
Equations as Graphics
If equations cannot be encoded in MathML type, submit it in TIFF or EPS format in the form of discrete files (i.e., a record holding just the information for one equation). When tables can't be encoded as XML/SGML they can be submitted as graphics.
- Suggested Equation Extraction Method
- Table Specifications
- Equation Specifications
Supplementary Information
Supplementary information (Materials & Methods, Tables, Figures, etc.) for the benefit of the readers, can be incorporated, though not essentially included in the main text of the article.
Author Corrections
Requested suggestions by the authors, former or latter the publication process, are acceptable. Ensure that the corrections are clearly legible.
Obligations for Authors
- An author's essential commitment is to present a compact, faultless record of the research performed, and an objective discussion of its significance.
- An author may as well refer to those publications that have been persuasive in deciding the way of the reported work and that will rapidly direct the onlooker to the initial work fundamental for comprehension of the present investigation. Confidential data, which includes conversations, discussions with third parties or correspondence, ought not be utilized or reported as a part of the author's work without explicit authorization from the investigator with whom the data began. Information obtained during the course of confidential services, like refereeing manuscripts or grant provisions, should be dealt similarly.
- Manuscript portraying the same research to more than one journal of primary publication is not acceptable.
- To secure the integrity of authorship, people who have contributed to the research should be listed as authors. Fictitious names should not be listed as authors or co-authors. The corresponding author should authenticate that all the authors listed should accept the final version of the paper for publication.
- Plagiarism is not acceptable.