Publication policies

Publication policies

Herald Scholarly Open Access works in organization with the research community, librarians, funders and other stakeholders to develop polices to help our academic group and elucidate our position on key issues identified with open access.


Internet has changed the dynamics of academic communication and publishing which is the reason we think that it important to plainly demonstrate our stance on what we think about to be a published scientific work.

An extraordinary number of working papers, early drafts and comparative works in progress get openly imparted online between the members of the scientific community. It has become common to report one's own particular research on a personal website or a blog to assemble remarks and recommendations from other researchers. Such works and online postings are surely published in a sense that they are made freely accessible; however strict execution of this rule may genuinely confine the number of unique submissions qualified for review and publication in a scholarly journal.

The significance of peer review must be focused on with regard to characterizing what a published scientific work is. It is generally recognized to be the cornerstone of an advanced publishing process and a publisher’s key quality adding commitment to a scholarly manuscript. In this way, we generally differentiate between reviewed and non-reviewed works when trying attempting to focus whether it is published in a scholarly sense or not. Other than the issue of originality, there is likewise the approaching issue of research misconduct.

Herald Scholarly Open Access Retraction & Correction Policy and various publication ethics guidelines accessible online consider both redundant publication and (self)plagiarism to fall within the definition of research misconduct, therefore constituting justification for dismissal or issuing a withdrawal if the work has recently been published.

To encourage the tracking of a manuscript’s publishing history and advancement from its earliest draft to the manuscript submitted, we urge authors to uncover any instances of a manuscript’s prior publication, whether it be a conference presentation, a newspaper article, a working paper openly accessible in a repository, a blog post, and so on.

A note to the editor containing detailed data around a submitted manuscript’s previous public accessibility is a favored method of reporting prior publication. This helps us focus if there are any prior versions of a manuscript that ought to be uncovered to our readers or if any of those prior adaptations ought to be cited and recorded among a paper’s references. Some fundamental data about the editorial treatment of diverse assortments of prior publication is laid out in the following sections.

2. Conference Papers & Presentations

Provided that conference papers and presentations by and large pass through some sort of peer or editorial review, we think as of them to be published in an insightful sense, particularly in the event that they are published as a part of conference proceedings.

All submitted manuscripts starting from a previously published conference paper may as well hold no less than half of new original content to be acknowledged for review and recognized for production in our journals.

Authors are obliged to report any ties their manuscript may have with their prior conference papers and presentations in a note to the editor, as well as in the manuscript. Furthermore, authors might as well get any important consent from the publisher of their conference paper if copyright transfer happened throughout the publishing methodology. Failure to do so may forestall us from publishing an otherwise publication-commendable paper.

3. Newspaper & Magazine Articles

Newspaper and magazine articles normally do not pass through any extensive peer or publication survey and we don't think as of them to be published in an insightful sense. Besides, articles showing up in daily papers and magazines infrequently hold the profundity and structure characteristic of scholarly articles.

Submitted manuscripts originating from a previous newspaper or magazine article will be acknowledged for review and recognized for publication in our journals. Be that as it may, authors are strongly encouraged to report any such publication in an accompanying note to the editor.

Likewise with the conference papers and presentations, authors may as well acquire any fundamental consent any necessary permission from the newspaper or magazine that published the work indicated in a note to the editor.

4. Grey Literature

White papers, working papers, specialized reports and all different manifestations of papers which fall inside the scope of the (most generally used) ‘Luxembourg definition’ of grey literature do not pass through any extensive peer or editorial review and we do not consider them to be published in a scholarly sense.

Despite the fact that such papers are consistently made freely accessible via personal websites and institutional repositories, their general purpose is to gather comments and feedback from authors’ colleagues with a specific end goal to further enhance a manuscript expected for future publication.

When submitting their paper to our journals, authors are obliged to disclose the presence of any publicly available prior drafts in a note to the editor. In the event that prior drafts of the submitted rendition of the manuscript are publicly available, any overlap between the versions will by and large not be viewed as an instance of self-plagiarism.

5. Social media, Blog & Message board postings

We feel that online networking, blogs and message boards are by and large utilized with the same intention as grey literature: to formulate ideas for a manuscript assemble unanticipated feedback from like-minded researchers in so as to enhance one's work before submitting it to a journal. Consequently, we don't think about such web postings to be distributed in an academic sense.

In any case, creators are swayed to unveil the presence of any web postings in which they delineated and portrayed their research or posted passages of their manuscripts. Such events are welcome to be accounted for in a note to the editor, however we won't be strictly implementing it as a standard as we comprehend that it may be troublesome to stay informed regarding every one of the one's internet postings in which his or hers current research may be mentioned.

In the event that there is any cover between the submitted composition and related internet postings authored by the submitter or any indicated co-authors, we will by and large not think as of it to be an occurrence of self-plagiarism.

For more information on this policy, please contact at:

Access Policies

Herald Scholarly Open Access has developed a few approaches to assist scientific community to comprehend our position on key issues within our Universal Access programme. These policies incorporate accessibility policies, article posting approaches, content mining strategies, twofold dipping policies and subsidizing body policies.

Funding Body Agreements

Herald Scholarly Open Access has established agreements and developed policies to permit authors who publish in Herald journals to follow with manuscript archiving necessities of different financing bodies, as enumerated as conditions of researcher grant awards. These agreements and approaches empower authors to comply with their funding body’s archiving approach without needing to violate their publishing agreements with Herald. The agreements and policies are expected to support the needs of Herald authors, editors and society publishing accomplices, and to ensure the quality and uprightness of the peer-review process which are illustrations of Herald’s ongoing engagement with investigative and scholarly groups to explore ways to convey verifiable and reasonable benefits for the research groups we serve.

Article Posting Policy

Herald Scholarly Open Access needs to guarantee a proper balance between the scholarly rights which authors hold (or are granted/transferred back in some cases) and the rights allowed to Herald Scholarly Open Access that are important to support our mix of plans of action. We routinely analyze and change our policies to ensure we are reacting to author’s needs and concerns, and the concerns as a rule of the research and insightful groups.

There are three stages in a journal article’s development that are significant from a policy viewpoint: preprint, Accepted Author Manuscript (AAM) and Published Journal Article (PJA).

Pre-print Definition

A preprint is an author’s own write-up of research results and investigation that has not been peer-reviewed, nor had any possible worth added to it by a publisher (for example: formatting, copy editing, technical enhancement etc...).

Herald’s Policy: An author may use the preprint for personal use, interior institutional use and for allowed academic posting.

In general, Herald is permissive with respect to authors and electronic preprints. Assuming that an electronic preprint of an article is put on an open server preceding its docility to a Herald journal or where a paper was initially composed as a proposal or thesis, this is not by and large seen by Herald as “former publication” and accordingly Herald won't oblige authors to remove electronic preprints of an article from public servers, should the article be acknowledged for publication in an Herald journal.

Accepted Author Manuscript (AAM) definition: An Accepted Author Manuscript (AAM) is the author’s rendition of the manuscript of an article that has been accepted for publication and which may incorporate any author consolidated progressions proposed through the methodologies of processing of the submitted manuscript, peer review and editorial manager-author communications. AAMs do not include other publisher quality-added contributions such as copy-editing, formatting, technical enhancements and (if important) pagination.

Herald's AAM policy: Authors hold the right to utilize the accepted author manuscript for personal use, institutional use and for allowed scholarly posting provided that these are not for purposes of commercial utilization or precise appropriation.

Herald believes that individual authors ought to have the ability to disperse their AAMs for their personal voluntary needs and interests, e.g. presenting to their websites or their institution’s repository, e-mailing to colleagues. Nonetheless, our policies vary in regard to the methodical aggregation or dissemination of AAMs to guarantee the sustainability of the journals to which AAMs are submitted. In this manner, deposit in, or presenting on, subject-oriented or centralized repositories (for example PubMed Central), or institutional repositories with deliberate posting commands is allowed just under specific agreements between Herald and the archive, agency or institution, and only consistent with the publisher’s policies concerning such repositories.

Commercial use means: The utilization or posting for commercial gain, if for an expense or for nothing, or to substitute for the services provided directly by the journal including:

  • The posting by organizations of their employee-authored works for utilization by customers of such companies (e.g. pharmaceutical companies and physician-prescribers).
  • Commercial abuse, for example, specifically associating advertising with such posting or the charging of fees for document delivery or access.

Systematic distribution means: Policies or other mechanisms intended to aggregate and openly distribute or to substitute as for journal-provided services, involving:

  • The deliberate appropriation to others by means of e-mail records or list servers (to parties other than known partners), if for an expense or free of charge.
  • The posting of links/connections to articles by business third parties including pharmaceutical organizations
  • Institutional, subsidizing body or government manuscript posting policies or mandates that intend to aggregate and openly circulate the work by its analysts or supported scientists.
  • Subject repositories that intend to aggregate and circulate distribute AAMs authored by researchers in particular branches of knowledge.
  • Appropriate bibliographic citation*

Authors posting an acknowledged author manuscript online may as well later include a reference for the published journal article showing that the article was accordingly published, and may specify the journal title provided that they add the following text at the start of the record.

Published Journal Articles (PJAs) definition: A Published Journal Article (PJA) is the absolute last record of distributed research that shows up or will show up in the journal and exemplifies all value-adding publisher exercises including copy-editing, formatting and (if applicable) pagination.

Herald's policy: Herald guarantees each PJA’s credibility, we work with others (e.g. national libraries) to protect them for posterity and in perpetuity, and we contribute to drive their use. We strictly apply an outright rule with respect to their area: each PJA will reside only on a totally regulated site since this is the primary way that we as the publisher can ensure every PJA’s perpetual quality, validness and that it is not modified. The continued viability of scholarly journals and their PJAs is additionally paramount to the research community. Publishers contribute significant time, money and assets to create, keep up and develop both journals notorieties and the publishing process. The circulation of PJAs is along these lines likewise subject to strict guidelines so that journals capability to recover the speculations needed to make them is not compromised.

An author may utilize the PJA for personal use and internal institutional use. In light of a legitimate concern for shielding the correct scientific record, however, Herald does not allow the posting of PJAs on any open websites. This is to guarantee that the final published rendition of an article, that has been edited and peer-reviewed consistent with the publishing norms of a Herald journal, is constantly distinguished as such only via the journal itself, if in print or electronic format. PJAs may not be used for business use or for systematic distribution.

The posting of the PJA to websites to fulfill drug regulation authority approval of therapeutic agents is not permitted in accordance to the policy outlined above. Where pertinent, Herald allows the incorporation of an article title and abstract to fulfill drug regulation authority requirements, provided this is joined by a link to the PJA on the publisher’s website.

Posting Policy for Open Access Articles

For Open Access articles published in a Herald Scholarly Open Access Journal, the final published version might be instantly posted on your institution or personal website. Allowed reuse of Open Access articles are controlled by the author’s decision of user license.

No Double Dipping Policy

Herald publishes journal articles under two separate publishing models:

  • Articles whose publication is subsidized by payments that are made by subscribing individuals or institutions, and that are free to authors (here called "subscription articles").
  • Articles whose publication is subsidized by payments that are made by authors or their institutions or funding bodies, and that are allowed free to readers (here called "open access articles").

Herald’s approach is not to charge subscribers for open access articles and when ascertaining subscription prices only to take into account subscription articles – we do not double dip.

For Journals that Distribute only Subscription Articles

Conformities in individual journal membership list prices reflect a number of factors including growth in the number of subscription articles published; journal impact factor; usage; journal function; editorial processes; technical features; and other revenue streams such as commercial contributions from advertising, reprints, and supplements.

For Journals that Distribute only Open Access Articles

Adjustments in article publishing fees (APCs) reflect various components including journal impact factor, article type, journal function, editorial processes and technical features.

For Journals that Distribute Both Subscription Articles and Open Access Articles

Alterations in individual journal subscription list prices are made in the same route with respect to the journals that distribute only subscription articles. We don't tally open access articles when setting subscription costs for titles. Subscription costs are accordingly not influenced by the volume of open access articles published in the journal.

Article Withdrawal

It is a general standard of scholarly communication that the editorial manager of a learned journal is exclusively and autonomously answerable for deciding which articles submitted to the journal ought to be published. In settling on this choice the editorial manager is guided by the policies of the journal's editorial board and obliged by such legitimate necessities in force regarding defamation, copyright infringement and plagiarism. A result of this standard is the importance of the scholarly archive as a permanent, notable record of the transactions of grant. Articles that have been distributed might remain extant, correct and unaltered the extent that is conceivable. However, quite once in a while circumstances may emerge where an article is published that must later be withdrawn or even removed. Such activities must not be undertaken lightly and can just happen under exceptional circumstances.

Article retraction: Infringements of professional ethical codes, for example: as multiple submissions, fake cases of authorship, copyright infringement and false utilization of information or the like. Infrequently, a retraction will be utilized to rectify mistakes in submission or publication.

Article removal: Legal limits upon the publisher, copyright holder or author(s).

Article replacement: Identification of false or wrong information, which if followed up on, might represent a genuine health hazard.

Data Policy

Herald Scholarly Open Access recommends depositing data that relate to journal articles in reliable data repositories, relegating digital object identifiers, and appropriately citing a data set as a legitimate citation.

Privacy Policy

This protection strategy sets out how ("we" and "us") uses and secures any information that you ("user") give when you use this website. Herald Scholarly Open Access is committed to guarantee that your privacy is ensured. Assuming that we ask for that you give certain data by which you might be recognized when using this website, and then you can be assured that it might be used as in accordance with this privacy policy. Herald Scholarly Open Access does not offer, rent, or overall give your particular data to third parties, unless we have your consent or are needed by law to do so. Herald Scholarly Open Access may change this policy every once in a while by redesigning this page.

1. Usage of information

Enrollment on the Herald Scholarly Open Access web page is discretionary and voluntary. We utilize the data you provide to: 

    • Allow Authors to gain access to the data they require with a specific end goal to publish their work.
    • Allow Herald to send service e-mail notifications or promotional messages about new publications released.
    • Administer your record and redo the service we provide to you and other users.
    • Provide your particular details to outsiders offering joined services with Herald, empowering you to impart your information and communicate with other users.

2. What we collect

For the purposes above, we may gather the following data:

      • First name, Last name, academic/job title, Organization/Institution and past previous publications.
      • Contact data in the form of e-mail address, postal location, country of residence, Telephone No and Fax No.
      • Other information regarding your scientific field of interest, instruction and work experience.
      • Password.

3. Additional information collected

Keeping in mind the end goal to give a better service, Herald Scholarly Open Access tracks patterns of use on this site. We note which links are clicked to figure out what zones and articles are of most interest to our visitors. Like all webpage’s, we immediately receive from the Internet, usage information, for example your IP address, the URLs of destinations from which you arrive or leave the Herald Scholarly Open Access site, your type of browser, your portable supplier, your mobile provider, your mobile device and your ISP. We use cookies and different innovations to recognize you, customize your experience and study traffic patterns on our site.

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4. Your Rights

      • You can pick what information you make accessible to other enlisted and unregistered users.
      • With the exception of your e-mail address (which fills in as a login), you are free to alter your personal information at any point of time. Assuming that your personally identifiable data changes, you may correct, overhaul or erase it by making the change on your user panel, or by reaching us by postal mail at the contact data recorded.
      • You can submit a solicitation to close your Herald account at any time. In the event that you generally would not covet our services, you can deactivate your account via just e-mailing us at or by reaching us by postal mail using the contact data provided.

5. Third Parties

Herald Scholarly Open Access does not offer, rent, or generally give your individual data to outsiders, unless we have your sanction or are needed by law in order to conform to a subpoena or comparative legitimate procedure. Kindly note that, so as to deliver certain services (for example: Article distribution), we may impart data with third parties.

6. E-Mail Policy

Herald Scholarly Open Access may send you benefit correspondences via e-mail. In the event that you have formerly consented to us using your personal information for e-mail/newsletter services, Herald may send data which you may discover of interest. You may change your opinion and unsubscribe at any time by e-mailing us at

7. Customer Testimonials/Comments/Reviews

In the section of "Authors' Acknowledgments", we do post customer testimonials/comments/reviews that may hold personal information. These testimonials are saved on a database held within Herald. Prior to posting a testimonial, we acquire the customer's consent via e-mail to posting his or her name, with the testimonial. Assuming that you wish to upgrade or erase your testimonial, you can freely contact us at

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A cookie is a small index which asks authorization to be set on your computer's hard drive. When you concur, the file is included and the cookies helps analyze web traffic or lets you know when you visit a specific webpage. Cookies permit web requisitions to respond to you as a single person. The web application can tailor its operations to your requirements, likes and aversions by social event and recalling data about your inclination. We use traffic log cookies to distinguish which pages are continuously used. This helps us dissect data about web page traffic and enhance our keeping in mind the end goal to tailor it to customer needs. We just utilize this data for statistical dissection purposes and afterward the data is uprooted from the framework. In general, cookies help us give you a finer website, by empowering us to screen whichever pages you discover useful or not. A cookie, in neither way, gives us any access to your PC or any information about you, other than the data you decide to share with us. We can have the option of either accepting or declining cookies. Most of the web browsers automatically accept cookies, but we can usually modify our browser setting to decline cookies if preferred. This might prevent you from taking advantage of the website.

9. Security

We are focused on guaranteeing that your data is secure. So as to counteract unapproved access or revelation, suitable physical, electronic and managerial methodology has been put to safeguard and secure the data we gather on the web. In any case, given that the web is not a safe medium, there is no surety that data may not be accessed, unveiled, changed, or destroyed by breach of any of our physical, specialized or managerial safeguards. You are dependently responsible for maintaining the secrecy of your unique password and account information and for regulating access to your e-mail interchanges constantly.

10. Third party cookies

The use of cookies by our accomplices and affiliates is not secured by our security proclamation. We do not have access or control over these cookies.

11. Web Beacons

Our site’s pages hold electronic pictures known as web beacons and are used with cookies to compile accumulated statistics to dissect how our webpage is utilized. These may be used in some of our e-mails in order to intimate us which e-mails and links have been opened by the recipients. This permits us to check the viability of our customer communication interchanges and marketing campaigns.

12. Social media Widgets

Our website incorporates Social Media Features, as the Facebook and Twitter catches and Widgets or interactive mini-programs that run on our webpage. These features may gather your IP address, which page you are going by on our site, and may set a cookie to enable the feature to function appropriately. Online networking features and widgets are either facilitated by a third party or hosted straightforwardly on our site. Your interactions with these features are represented by the security policy of the company providing it.

13. Blogs

If you use our blog on this web site, you ought to be conscious that any personal data you submit there might be read, collected, or utilized by other users of these forums, and might be used to send to you unsolicited messages. We are not answerable for the personal information you decide to submit in these blogs. To ask for evacuation of your individual data from our site or community forum, contact us at In a few cases, we will be unable to remove your personal data, in such a case; we will let you know if we are unable to do so and why.

14. Private Policy and Authors

The summaries of Author’s personal information (First name, Last name, academic/job title, Organization/Institution and past publications) are made freely and publicly accessible on Herald’s website. Other individual and contact data will be openly accessible to enlisted users only with prior authorization. Herald will not send authors unsolicited e-mail messages unless it specifically concerns their published work.

15. Data Retention

We will retain your data for as long as your account is active or as required to provide you services. In the event that you wish to cancel the account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services, contact us at We will use your data as well as retain it, as important to agree with our legal obligations, resolve disputes and authorize our agreements.

16. Changes in this Privacy Policy

Assuming that we choose to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes to this security strategy, the home page, and different places we regard suitable so that you are aware of what data we gather, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it.

We claim all authority to modify this privacy policy at any time, so please review it often. Assuming that we make material changes to this approach, we will notify you here, via e-mail, or by means of a notice on our homepage 30 schedule days before actualizing the change.

17. Contact us

If you have inquiries or remarks about this Privacy Policy, please do e-mail us at

Herald Scholarly Open Access is a leading, internationally publishing house in the fields of Science. Our mission is to provide an access to knowledge globally.

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