Allergy Disorders & Therapy

Scientific Indexing Services ID: 5134

Journal of Allergy Disorders and Therapy - ISSN: 2470-749X, is an international peer reviewed open access online journal which aims to foster the knowledge on all types of allergies and its treatments from basic to advance. Modern life, challenges the allergists to develop new treatments to treat several allergies that are arising day-to-day. Researchers are making new discoveries with their cutting edge expertise and supports advancing the science of allergy.

The Journal focuses to publish and promulgate the research excellence on allergy and this research helps allergists, trainees, researchers, immunologists and physicians to pursuit new knowledge which aids to treat patients. Besides supporting the researchers, the Journal plays pivotal role in increasing awareness and understanding on allergies, its infections and treatments. This is the best forum for the readers to pursue new knowledge on allergy.

Journal of Allergy Disorders and Therapy archives the sheer scope of allergy which inhere current research with better advanced treatment options. The periodicals of this journal are indexed in Google scholar, Scientific Indexing Services (SIS), and J-Gate. The Journal is one of the members of CrossRef, ORCID and Publons. The published articles of the Journal can be accessed, and downloaded freely by the readers which eventually increase the impact factor, where as impact factor is the Journal quality calculating factor.

Impact Factor for Journal: 1.6*, 5 years Impact Factor: 0.6*

*2023 Journal Impact Factor was established by dividing the number of articles published in 2022 and 2021 with the number of times they are cited in 2022 and 2021 based on Google Scholar Citation Index database. If 'X' is the total number of articles published in 2022 and 2021, and 'Y' is the number of times these articles were cited in indexed journals during 2022 and 2021 then, journal impact factor = Y/X

The Journal acts as a broad information source on research topics such as Allergy Diseases, Allergy Symptoms, Allergy Tests, Skin Allergy, Allergic Reactions, Allergic Asthma, Anaphylaxis, Seasonal Allergies, Airborne Allergens, Hypersensitivity, Allergic Rhinitis, Peanut Allergy, Immunotherapy, Food Allergy, Pollen Allergy, Asthma, Drug Allergy, Contact Dermatitis, Crustacean Allergies, Latex Allergy, Animal Allergy, Mold Allergy, Ocular Allergy, Atopic Dermatitis, Egg Allergy, Insect Sting Allergy, Pediatric Allergy, Dust Allergy, Sinus Infection, Allergic Angioedema, Allergy Pharmacology and Treatment, Urticaria Allergens, Milk Allergy, Pollution allergy, Primary Immune Deficiencies, Environmental Allergy, Rhinosinusitis, Drug Hypersensitivity, Allergic Conjunctivitis, Allergic Skin Diseases, Atopic Eczema, Venom Hypersensitivity, Immunotherapy, Immune modulators and Biologics, Animal Models of Allergic Disease, Immune Mechanisms, Occupational Lung Disease. Drug Desensitization, Clinical Immunology.

Current Issue

Category: Clinical
Article Type: Review Article
Bronchial hyperreactivity (BHR): An old but gold hallmark of asthma

Author(s): Cefaloni F, Bonini M, Adiletta V, Monteleone G, Cotugno Depalma D, Fiorenzo E, Cristina Boccabella

Category: Clinical
Article Type: Research Article
Food oral immunotherapy and eosinophilic esophagitis: Complication or comorbidity?

Author(s): Alejandro Raúl Gratacós Gómez, Ma Aranzazu Matín Iglesias, Jaime Vinicio Meneses Sotomayor, Stephanie Bracamonte, Jesus Ma Borja Segade, Elisa Gómez Torrijos

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