Atmospheric & Earth Science

Journal of Atmospheric & Earth Science is an open access peer reviewed international Journal with ISSN:2689-8780 which publishes articles in open access model. Atmospheric & Earth Science integrate the study of physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, and certain branches of engineering which interpret past to present evolutions and transformations. For the benefit of humankind, geologists, hydrologists, scientists and researchers use this knowledge to eradicate future disasters. Advanced work of these researches helps maintain stability of the nature.

Journal of Atmospheric & Earth Science emphasizes the most important features of the atmosphere and earth by publishing past evolutions and present features. This journal aims to stand as unrivalled as it encourages the papers on novel and original ideas and theoretical advances in atmospheric and earth science that includes new data and numerical or statistical modelling. It covers topics related to geology, geophysics, clouds, precipitation, dynamics and thermodynamics of earth and atmosphere, space physics, natural and man-made hazards, aerosol-cloud interaction, air-pollution studies relating to mesoscale weather, climate studies and physical & geological oceanography.

This journal is the best forum to promote by publishing the key excellences and advanced research on atmosphere and earth. This published work is freely available for the readers. For the dissemination of this work, the journal is indexed in Google scholar and J-Gate and also a member of Crossref, ORCID and Publons. Scientists, researchers and readers advance their work, by accessing these articles. Accessing and downloading of the articles will increase the journal impact factor which is the calculating factor of the journal quality.

Impact Factor for Journal: 1.06*

*2023 Journal Impact Factor was established by dividing the number of articles published in 2022 and 2021 with the number of times they are cited in 2022 and 2021 based on Google Scholar Citation Index database. If 'X' is the total number of articles published in 2022 and 2021, and 'Y' is the number of times these articles were cited in indexed journals during 2022 and 2021 then, journal impact factor = Y/X

Journal of Atmospheric & Earth Science covers all the aspects of Air Pollutants; Air Pollution; Air Quality – Climate Interactions; Air Quality; Astrophysics; Atmosphere Band; Atmospheric Aerosols; Atmospheric Chemistry; Atmospheric Physics; Atmospheric Science; Biogeochemical Cycles; Biology; Carbon Emissions; Climate Change and Weather Modification; Climatology; Cloud Dynamics and Thermodynamics; Cosmology; Data Acquisition; Data Assimilation; Data Processing; Dynamics of the Lithosphere; Earth Science Research; Earth's Atmosphere Layers; Earth's Atmosphere; Ecology; Ecosystems and Sustainability; Environmental Assessment; Environmental Crisis; Environmental Monitoring; Environmental Pollution; Environmental Protection; Environmental Sciences; Environmental Sustainability; Evolution of Life,Marine and Continental Ecosystems; Geochemistry; Geography; Geology; Geomorphology; Geophysical Prospecting; Geophysical Science; Geophysics; Geoscience; Geospatial; Global Change; Global Dynamics of Physicochemical Cycles; Global Warming; Hydrology; Instrumentation Technology; Ionosphere; Land-Use/Cover/Change; Meteorology; Microphysical Processes; Mineral Deposits and Hydrocarbons; Mineralogy; Natural and Human-induced Hazards; Natural Resources Management; Numerical Simulation; Oceanography; Ore Deposit Geology; Paleontology; Petrology; Physical Geography; Physical Oceanography; Remote Sensing; Sea Level Rise; Sedimentology; Seismic Processing; Socioeconomic Drivers; Stratigraphy; Studies relating to Atmospheric Chemistry & Air Pollution and all types of studies relating to Weather and Climate; Surface Processes; Tectonics and Volcanology.

Current Issue

Category: Agriculture
Article Type: Review Article

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