Environmental Science: Current Research

Scientific Indexing Services ID: 6721

Journal of Environmental Science: Current Research with the ISSN:2643-5020 is an interdisciplinary online peer reviewed journal that emphasizes the unique research of nature, earth, and the interaction between human and natural systems. The journal actively engages to present the research endeavors of environmental issues, its management and policy that helps shape natural environment. With the growing technology, environmental issues are increasing rapidly which requires immediate attention. Researchers with their state-of-art knowledge and cutting edge skills are providing spontaneous intelligent responses to these issues which pave the way for safe earth.

The journal seeks to publish significant and novel research on the fate and behaviour of emerging contaminants, human impact on the environment, human exposure to environmental contaminants and their health effects, and environmental remediation and management. It provides a multidisciplinary online open access forum for authoritative discussion and analysis of issues of wide interest to the international community of environmental professionals. In addition, the journal also publishes research notes dealing with new methods and/or their development for the detection and measurement of environmental contaminants.

Journal of Environmental Science: Current Research is the best forum to promote the key excellences and advanced research on environmental studies. This published work is freely available for the readers. For the dissemination of this work, the journal is indexed in Google scholar and J-Gate and also a member of Crossref, ORCID and Publons. Scientists, researchers and readers advance their work, by accessing these articles. Accessing and downloading of the articles will increase the journal impact factor which is the calculating factor of the journal quality.

Impact Factor for Journal: 0.77*

*2023 Journal Impact Factor was established by dividing the number of articles published in 2022 and 2021 with the number of times they are cited in 2022 and 2021 based on Google Scholar Citation Index database. If 'X' is the total number of articles published in 2022 and 2021, and 'Y' is the number of times these articles were cited in indexed journals during 2022 and 2021 then, journal impact factor = Y/X

The vast arena of the Journal includes but not limited to:

Global warming; Environmental Biology; Environmental Chemistry; Environmental Economics; Environmental Statistics; Environmental Engineering; Environmental Physics; Environmental Hydrology; Environmental Health - Public Health; Environmental Law - Policy - Eco Justice; Environmental Management; Environmental Toxicology; Environmental Analysis - Monitoring; Nature Conservation - Biodiversity, Pollution and Remediation; Soil Science; Sustainable Development; Environmental Forestry; Environmental Microbiology; Environmental Nanotechnology; Environmental Remediation and Management; Terrestrial Environment; Environmental Catalysis and Nano-material's; Environmental Treatment Technologies; Cleaner Production Technologies and Processes; Biodegradation and Transport in the Environment; Oceanography; Chemistry and Hazard/Risk assessment; Limnology; Noise Pollution; Light Pollution; Environmental Protection; Environmental Conservation; Ecology; Environmental Sustainability; Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation; Environenmental Geosciences; Physical Geography.

Current Issue

Category: Environmental science
Article Type: Review Article

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