Journal of Forensic Legal & Investigative Sciences Category: Forensic science Type: Research Article

The Psychion and Psychon in Paul c. Mocombe’s Consciousness Field Theory

Paul C Mocombe1*
1 West virginia state university, The Mocombeian Foundation, Inc., Florida, United states

*Corresponding Author(s):
Paul C Mocombe
West Virginia State University, The Mocombeian Foundation, Inc., Florida, United States

Received Date: Jun 03, 2022
Accepted Date: Jun 10, 2022
Published Date: Jun 13, 2022


This article attempts to theoretically outline the distinction Paul C. Mocombe draws, in his consciousness field theory, between psychion and psychon.  Mocombe posits that the former, psychion, is the elementary particle of the consciousness field, and the latter, psychon, is the embodiment of the former via central nervous systems, brains, and brainstems of subjects of experience as a resonating channel on a frequency wavelength of the Schumann wave of the earth and the absolute vacuum, i.e., zero-point field, of the fifth dimension out of which material reality emerged.


Consciousness Field Theory; Conscious Electromagnetic Information Theory (CEMI); Determinism; Free-will; Haitian Epistemology; ORCH-OR Theory; Praxis; Panpsychism; Phenomenological Structuralism; Psychion; Psychon; Social Class Language Game; Structurationism; Univon Multiverse Hypothesis


This article attempts to theoretically outline the distinction between psychion and psychon in the emergence of consciousness in the multiverse according to [1] theories of phenomenological structuralism (PS) and consciousness field theory (CFT).  According to Mocombe, consciousness, is tied to an emergent fifth force of nature that arises from beings (subjects of experience) experiencing superimposed and entangled worlds, with Schumann waves tied to the (nonlocal) absolute vacuum, which gives rise to local consciousness fields the phenomenal properties, qualia, of which emerge as psychons and psychions in brains.  The latter, psychions, for Mocombe, unlike the work of [2], which features psychon as the name for the elementary excitation energy of both brain and Schumann waves (see Figure 5 for the value of both waves), is the subatomic particle of consciousness (along with the elementary particles of the other forces of nature) that is integrated in the absolute vacuum following matter disaggregation across the multiverse and its local consciousness fields; and the former, psychon, for Mocombe, is the manifestation of the psychion as the mental activity or energy (brain wave) of embodied qualia, via central nervous systems, brains, and brainstems of subjects of experience, which localizes consciousness through the Schumann (electromagnetic) waves of superimposed multiple worlds connected to the absolute vacuum (zero-point field or nonlocal space in which elementary particles, quarks, and constituents of matter and forces of nature have become one in a fifth dimension). 

In [1] theory of phenomenological structuralism, in other words, consciousness is an emergent (fifth) force of the universe, composed of elementary particles, psychion (a boson with spin S=1), with mass, charge, spin, and emergent phenomenal properties, qualia, that is received by the brain, from, or in, multiple and superimposed local consciousness fields, Schumann waves, and integrated by its (the Brain’s) electromagnetic field as psychon to constitute mind, practical consciousness, and the self, as resonating channels of frequency wavelengths, in material worlds of the multiverse (see Figure 5 for the elementary value of quantum energy for brain and Schumann waves) [2].   The phenomenal properties, qualia, of the psychions of a consciousness field, following matter disaggregation, disconnection as psychon from the Schumann waves, throughout the multiverse, either collapse, as a channel of a frequency wavelength, upon other superimposed and entangled versions (wavelengths) of themselves throughout the multiverse, or are integrated, along with the other four forces (gravity, electromagnetism, and the weak and strong nuclear forces), in the absolute vacuum or zero-point field of a nonlocal space where all the elementary particles of the forces of nature are one and perpetually create (via quantum fluctuation and tunneling) future beings with consciousness (the phenomenal properties of lived-experience in the form of qualia, informational content of subatomic particles, i.e., psychions).  As such, the psychions of the consciousness field as psychons they are local and connected to multiple entangled and superimposed worlds with, and through, Schumann waves as psychonic waves; once assimilated in the absolute vacuum, they are psychions, an interconnected, endless, and nonlocal fifth force of nature, with qualia or phenomenal properties, which, initially, emerges following matter aggregation and disaggregation, disconnection from Schumann waves, in the multiverse.  It (the psychions of the consciousness field) is an endless assimilation of all past, present, and future information (practical activities and memories) of beings of the multiverse cycled and recycled via the absolute vacuum, which fluctuates as a probability wave function, to give rise to entangled and superimposed worlds, each with their own Schumann waves and consciousness fields, which produce future beings with consciousness.

Background of the Problem

Consciousness here refers to subjective awareness of phenomenal experiences, qualia, (ideology, language, self, feelings, choice, control of voluntary behavior, thoughts, etc.) of internal and external worlds.  The academic (scientific) literature “describes three possibilities regarding the origin and place of consciousness in the universe: (A) as an emergent property of complex brain neuronal computation, (B) as spiritual quality of the universe, distinct from purely physical actions, and (C) as composed of discrete ‘proto-conscious’ events acting in accordance with physical laws not yet fully understood” [3].  The latter position, (C), represents the ORCH-OR (“orchestrated objective reduction”) theory of Stuart Hameroff and Roger Penrose (2014), which includes aspects of (A) and (B), and posits that “consciousness consists of discrete moments, each an ‘orchestrated’ quantum-computational process terminated by… an action [,objective reduction or OR,] rooted in quantum aspects of the fine structure of space—time geometry, this being coupled to brain neuronal processes via microtubules” (p. 70).  In this view, the understanding is that a proto-conscious experience existed in the universe, panpsychism, and as a result of emergent structures of the brain it (proto-conscious experience, psychion) became embodied and evolved as a result of quantum neuronal computations of “brains”.  That is to say, in the protein structures, microtubules, of the neurons of the brain, which serves or acts like a quantum supercomputer, information and memories are stored and processed to orchestrate human conscious awareness.  This latter position is neither pushing forth a spiritual understanding of consciousness as highlighted by physicists and psychologists who view consciousness as emerging out of a macro consciousness, i.e., cosmopsychism, or the mind of a God, i.e., panspiritism, nor is it a false dualist interpretation as found in the CEMI theory of [4] who wants to hold on to the brain’s neurons (material substance) and its electromagnetic field (energy/spiritual substance) as the generator and seat of consciousness, respectively.  Instead, it is an underdeveloped materialist account of the origins and nature of consciousness in the multiverse.  This article completes the materialism of ORCH-OR theory through [1] consciousness field theory (CFT) of phenomenological structuralism (PS), which demonstrates the relationship between the absolute vacuum, consciousness fields, psychion, psychon, and the emergence and actualization (objective reduction) of consciousness in entangled and superimposed material worlds as a resonating frequency channel on a wavelength.

Theory and Methods

For me, building on [1] structurationist and consciousness field theory with its basis in ORCH-OR theory, this conscious awareness, i.e., consciousness, is, ontologically, an emergent material substance, i.e., elementary particle, psychions, the phenomenal properties, qualia, of which becomes the mind (personal and collective unconscious and ego), psychon, of human actors expressed in entangled and superimposed multiple worlds, with Schumann waves tied to the psychonic waves of minds and the absolute vacuum, as their practical activity or practical consciousness.  The nonlocal space, absolute vacuum, composed of all the elementary particles of the forces of nature as a probability wave-function, is a fifth dimension that produces material realities in four dimensional spacetime, with Schumann waves and subjects with apparatuses of perceptions to experience the latter, as an interconnected and coherent closed system.  In this Mocombeian view, consciousness is not fundamental; instead, it is an emergent (material) property of the multiverse, which is constituted and expressed, in the human sphere through subatomic particle aggregation, mode of production, language, ideology, ideological apparatuses, communicative discourse, and praxis. 

Beings’ experience (sensation), via central nervous systems, brains, and brainstems, of aggregated matter created by the initial four forces of nature, via quantum fluctuation and tunneling from the fifth dimension of the absolute vacuum, gives rise to qualia, emerging sensations of experience, that is encoded as information and memories in the subatomic elementary particle of consciousness, psychion, psychon once embodied, which creates consciousness fields given their connection, as psychonic waves, to entangled and superimposed Schumann waves of the multiverse created by the absolute vacuum.  Following matter disaggregation, the elementary particle of consciousness, psychion, which has mass, charge, spin, and phenomenal properties, i.e., qualia, integrates into the absolute vacuum to give rise to future worlds with conscious beings.  In this sense, Mocombe eliminates any spiritual elements (B) regarding consciousness constitution for a strict materialist perspective, which does not solely attributes consciousness to the mechanical brain, i.e., the neural correlates of consciousness; instead, the brain is a receiver and facilitator of  consciousness, the subatomic particle, psychion, of which, once disconnected from the Schumann waves of entangled and superimposed multiple worlds, is recycled, replicated, entangled, and superimposed as psychon throughout the multiverse via microtubules of neurons of the brain and its electromagnetic field (see Figure 4).  The subatomic particles of the consciousness fields, once assimilated in the absolute vacuum, is an interconnected, nonlocal, and endless assimilation of all past, present, and future information (practical activities and sense impressions) of the multiverse recycled, in the forms of psychions, via the absolute vacuum (empty space in which elementary particles, quarks, and constituents of matter and forces of nature have become one), which fluctuates as a probability wave function, to give rise to entangled and superimposed worlds with (local) consciousness fields and conscious beings.  In this theory, the (local) consciousness field(s) of the multiverse and the nonlocality of the absolute vacuum are distinct; the latter is an amalgamation of elementary particles and the constituents of matter, which have become one following matter disaggregation, disconnection from the Schumann waves of multiple worlds, and endlessly produces more multiverses and worlds with conscious beings who experience, as psychon, these worlds via the former, the consciousness fields of superimposed and entangled worlds of the multiverse.  Each multiverse has its own consciousness field stemming from the absolute vacuum.  Individuating consciousness is a channel of, or on, a frequency wavelength of entangled and superimposed multiverse.  Upon matter disaggregation across the multiverse, the frequency channel of individuating consciousness collapses as psychion into the absolute vacuum to become a probability wave function with phenomenal properties.

Consciousness, following matter disaggregation, in other words, became a permanent aspect of the multiverse, via the absolute vacuum, cosmopsychism, and has emerged as a fifth force of nature that produces a field, a consciousness field, whose elementary particle, psychion, has mass, charge, spin, and phenomenal properties, i.e., qualia, that is subsequently received by aggregated matter with brains and central nervous systems via the resonance of the elementary particle of consciousness embodied, psychon.  The consciousness field is a classical field produced by accelerating psychionic charges that contain and transmit all of the phenomenal properties, qualia, of the absolute vacuum to the Schumann waves of material realities, and the psychonic waves of brains, brainstems, and central nervous systems connected to the latter, Schumann waves, which are connected to the former, absolute vacuum or zero-point field.  The consciousness field is the combination of a psychonic field or wave (produced by the psychionic elementary particle), an electric field, and a magnetic field.  The psychonic field or wave, like the magnetic field, is produced by moving charges or currents, and the electric field stationary charges.  The consciousness field can be regarded as a smooth, continuous field that propagates in a wavelike manner, and interacts with charges and currents.  The reciprocal information transfer between the absolute vacuum, the Schumann waves of entangled and superimposed material realities with consciousness fields, and the psychion/psychon of subjects of experience takes place via the distinct resonances of everyone, which is a rhythmic channel on the frequency wavelength of Schumann waves and absolute vacuum that is entangled and superimposed.  Death is either integration into the probability wavefunction of the absolute vacuum, which produces the Schumann waves of superimposed and entangled material worlds each with their own superimposed and entangled consciousness fields, or the collapse of the resonating channel of the psychion/psychon unto another version of its vibrating and oscillating frequency wavelength and phase across the multiverse.


Following the initial aggregation of the multiverse with beings experiencing them, the brain, brainstem, and overall central nervous system become a receiver and facilitator of consciousness from the absolute vacuum and consciousness fields of the multiverse (see Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5).  This consciousness field theory, CFT, of phenomenological structuralism suggests that the EM field of the brain, brainstem, and central nervous system is not the seat of consciousness; instead, it (the brain’s EM field, etc.) serves more like a glue, which holds and integrates consciousness, its elementary particle, which emerges from its on (force) field, together.  In other words, consciousness emerges out of experience of beings, which gives rise to an emerging field composed of subatomic particles, psychions, which have (emerging) phenomenal properties (qualia or informational content, i.e., past, present, and future experiences of beings of superimposed worlds) and become embodied, as psychon, in the neurons of brains, brainstem, and central nervous system that constitute an electromagnetic field during their firing that holds the psychions together as an individuated consciousness in order to experience objective reality through the Schumann wave of superimposed and entangled multiple worlds, which have the same “frequencies but different amplitudes”, i.e., brain and Schumann waves have the same frequencies, but different amplitudes, in objective reality [2].  The informational content, i.e., phenomenal properties of this individuated consciousness, following matter disaggregation, i.e., death or disconnection  from the Schumann waves of entangled and superimposed worlds, either collapses upon other variants, channels of frequency wavelengths of itself that exist in the consciousness fields of the multiverse, or returns (as psychions) to the absolute vacuum, if all lines (wavelengths) of its past/present/future selves have been exhausted, to constitute future Beings of the multiverse with consciousness. 

Hence for Mocombe, the consciousness field emerges separately from the first four forces (gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces) of nature, the subatomic particles of which fluctuated and tunneled as a wave function from the absolute vacuum to create an original universe.  This original universe evolved and replicated itself, via black holes (BHBBT), to create present and future replicas of itself, multiverses, which evolved to produce, entangled and similarly situated, organic life whose initial experiences of the Schumann waves of superimposed worlds produced the qualia of the psychons that would constitute subatomic particles, psychions, of emerging consciousness fields (see Figure 3).  The psychion (the elementary particles of consciousness), psychon once integrated in the Schumann waves of entangled and superimposed worlds, with qualia or informational content of past, present, and future experiences of beings experiencing, entangled and superimposed, material realities, following matter disaggregation, either collapse/collapsed upon other versions (wavelengths) of itself similarly situated in other consciousness fields of the multiverse, or return/returned to the original absolute vacuum of the multiverse to constitute a permanent field, the consciousness field, along with the other four forces of nature, which are now one (a structureless and timeless empty space of elementary particles, quarks, and constituents of matter in the form of wave functions), to create endless multiverses with beings with consciousness, past, present, and future experiences of beings experiencing, entangled and superimposed, material realities with Schumann waves and consciousness fields. 

Whereas we, each being have their own channels on the frequency wavelengths, experience the latter, material realities, via the psychion of our brain waves, which become psychon, once integrated in the Schumann wave of material realities, which share the same frequencies as the brain waves (see Figure 5), we experience the absolute vacuum directly, outside of death and the exhaustion of every aspects of our existence, in material existence during near death experiences, depression induced prognostic dreams and trances, psychic mediations, and mystical/spiritual or religious revelations [5].  Drugs, such as dimethyltryptamine (DMT) may replicate the feelings we experience when integrating in the absolute vacuum, but they do not connect us to it.


Hence, the logical assumptions for Mocombe as it pertains to the nature and origins of the consciousness fields are that the fields are, 1) emerging, following the first initial aggregation and disaggregation of matter in the multiverse from the wave functions of the absolute vacuum composed, initially, from the elementary particles of gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces; 2) independent of the human body and brains, which receive and facilitate consciousness; 3) reified and constituted independently of the other four forces of nature, but emerges with them, following the initial instantiation of the multiverse, to constitute future absolute vacuums that fluctuate and tunnel as wave functions to create universes with entangled and superimposed consciousness fields; 4) local and nonlocal, the former once instantiated in multiple worlds, Schumann waves, of the multiverse, and the latter once assimilated in the absolute vacuum; 5) endless; 6) interconnected; and 7) informational.  

Unlike the Atman of Hinduism or the Bon-dye of Haitian Vodou, which are panspiritist accounts of the origins of consciousness that posits the source (God) of consciousness as fundamental to the multiverse out of which our own individual consciousnesses emerge and return to following our deaths, Mocombe’s consciousness fields are emerging following the initial aggregation of matter from the quantum fluctuation and tunneling of the first four forces of the multiverse, and comes to constitute a fifth force of nature, i.e., the consciousness field.  The fields, reified and constituted with the phenomenal properties, qualia, of subatomic particles, psychions, experiencing material realities as psychons, are located in entangled and superimposed time and places (local consciousness fields), i.e., Schumann waves.  They (the fields) become nonlocal, following matter disaggregation from Schumann waves, in the nonlocal space of the absolute vacuum.  The absolute vacuum is not located “in a particular time or place.  This is known as nonlocality.  Complete and endless consciousness [(in the absolute vacuum)] is everywhere in a dimension that is not tied to time or place, where past, present, and future all exist and are accessible at the same time.  This endless consciousness [(of the absolute vacuum)] is always in and around us” [5-8].  It is a resonating channel of a frequency wavelength.  

Following the initial constitution of the multiverse out of nothing from the quantum fluctuation and tunneling of the initial four forces of nature from the fifth dimension of the absolute vacuum, aggregated (mindless) material beings evolved in historical and hierarchical descending order of all their, past, present, and future aggregated existences in different entangled and superimposed material realities of universes of the multiverse as a resonating channel of, or on, a frequency wavelength.  The emerging informational content, i.e., phenomenal properties, qualia, of their past, present, and future individuated consciousnesses, following matter disaggregation, i.e., death, either collapses (as a channel on a frequency wavelength) upon the consciousness fields of other past, present, and future variants of themselves that still exist in the multiverse or returns to the absolute vacuum, if all lines, channels, of their past/present/future selves have been exhausted, which holds the phenomenal properties of all Beings as psychions, the elementary particles of the consciousness fields, that are recycled to continuously produce and reproduce Beings with practical consciousness. 

Future research must 1) continue to search for evidence of multiverses and other forms of existence tied to our present world, which will be similarly constituted as our own universe, and 2) proofs for the existence of the field of consciousness or consciousness field and its force, psychion, in order to falsify or verify Mocombe’s overall theory of phenomenological structuralism. 

Figure 1: The univon model composed of a superluminal primordial information quantum (spring). The mathematical horn torus surface on which the spring travels is cut away to show the interior. The black closed curve on the surface of the horn torus is the trajectory of the univon’s spring (indicated by the black dot.) 

Figure 2: The parametric equations of the univon model composed of a circulating spring. The calculated minimum speed of the circulating spring is c√5=2.236c (at the equator of the mathematical torus) while is its minimum speed is c (at the center of the mathematical torus). Figure 3:  For Mocombe, building on BHBBT, the superverses with entangled and superimposed (via black holes) multiverses share the same informational content.  So, the hypothesis here is that one superverse created (from the absolute vacuum) a universe, and its informational content is entangled and superimposed on top of another superverse with the informational content of the previous universe emerging in it via black holes.  Hence what you have are a layer of multiverses and superverses, superimposed and entangled, whose informational content are shared or recycled via black holes, which organize and structure the multiverses similarly.  As such, quantum fluctuation and big bangs are constantly occurring and producing the same worlds, ad infinitum.  So, when physicists look out to the cosmic microwave background (CMB), they are looking at the remnant from an early stage of our universe, which came forth from its older version a layer above it, and so on ad infinitum.  Put more concretely, the physicists are in a superverse, of our universe, in our milky-way galaxy, looking out to the black hole of a milky-way galaxy from the superverse/multiverse above us with its own consciousness field.  

Figure 4:  This figure represents how the psychions are embodied, as psychons, from the consciousness field (CF) in the microtubules of neurons of brains (figure a, adopted from McFadden, 2020 represents the human brain—left (L) and right (R) hemispheres—and its EM field, which holds together and integrates the qualia of psychions, informational content of the superverse/multiverses, which becomes individuated consciousness recursively organized and reproduced as practical consciousness), which produces an EM field that holds together and integrates the qualia of the psychions as individuated consciousness on channels of frequency wavelengths.  For Mocombe, building on BHBBT, the superverses with entangled and superimposed (via black holes) multiverses share the same informational content.  So, the hypothesis here is that one superverse created (from the absolute vacuum) a universe, and its informational content is entangled and superimposed on top of another superverse with the informational content of the previous universe emerging in it via black holes.  Hence what you have are a layer of multiverses and superverses, superimposed and entangled, whose informational contents are shared or recycled via black holes, which organize and structure the multiverses similarly.  As such, quantum fluctuation and big bangs are constantly occurring and producing the same worlds, ad infinitum.  The informational content, qualia, of these multiverses and worlds are encoded and transmitted as psychions (channel frequency of wavelengths) and embodied in the microtubules of neurons of brains, which create an EM field that holds and integrates the psychions as individuated consciousness. 

Figure 5:  Adopted from Kozlowska and Kozlowski.  The formula represents the elementary value of quantum energy for brain and Schumann waves.


Citation: Mocombe PC (2022) The Psychion and Psychon in Paul c. Mocombe’s Consciousness Field Theory. Forensic Leg Investig Sci 8: 061.

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