Dairy Research and Technology

Scientific Indexing Services ID: 6550

Journal of Dairy Research and Technology is an international online journal with the ISSN: 2688-9315 that stands forth to bring together the information of dairy research, dairy products and its technology, which strives to promulgate this up-to-date knowledge as peer-reviewed articles in open access model. This journal is a prime platform which publishes original scientific research on all aspects of the biology and technology of lactating animals and the foods they produce.

Dairy technology discovers new techniques and aids them in processing dairy products. Prioritizing consumer demands, researchers with their cutting edge skills transform the knowledge into solutions by using advanced technology. The Journal’s ability to cover the entire dairy food chain is its major strength. Cross-disciplinary research is particularly welcomed, as is comparative lactation research in different dairy and non-dairy species and research dealing with consumer health aspects of dairy products.

Journal of Dairy Research and Technology publishes the new, innovative and key excellences in dairy science. This published work is freely available for the readers. For the dissemination of this work, the journal is indexed in Google scholar, J-Gate and also a member of Crossref, ORCID and Publons. By accessing these articles, the scientists and researchers can advance their work. Accessing and downloading of the articles will increase the journal impact factor which is the calculating factor of the journal quality.

The vast arena of the Journal includes but not limited to:

Animal Husbandry; Anti-Cholesterol; Antioxidative; Bovine Milk; Bulk Scale Processing and Production; Butterfat; Camel Milk; Casein; Colostrum; Dairy Artificial Insemination; Dairy Byproducts; Dairy Cows; Dairy Diseases; Dairy Farm; Dairy Goats; Dairy Ingredients; Dairy Microbiology; Dairy Products; Dairy Science; Dairy Technology; Fermented Milk; Food Chemistry and Biochemistry; Food Microbiology and Fermentation; Food Quality; Food-Borne Pathogens; Health-Promoting Dairy Products Incorporating Pre- and Pro-Biotic; Homogenised Milk; Hypotensive Substances; Kefir; Lactation; Lactose Intolerance; Lactose; Low-Fat Milk; Milk Born Diseases; Milk Pasteurization; Milk Preservation Techniques; Milk Processing; Milk Production; Milk Products; Milk Research; Milking Machines; Nutrigenomics; Nutrition; Organic Milk; Properties of Fermented Milk; Scalded milk; Skimmed Milk; The Gelation Characteristics of Concentrated Milks; The Influence of Temperature on the Chemical Components of Milk; The Microbiology of Cheese - Consumer Reactions to Different Varieties of Cheese; The Microbiology of UHT Processes.

Current Issue

Category: Agriculture
Article Type: Review Article
Category: Agriculture
Article Type: Research Article

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