Journal of Orthopedic Research & Physiotherapy (ISSN: 2381-2052) is an international peer reviewed journal is one of the best forums for the orthopedicians to publish their work.
The journal aims to promote, share and disseminate new research in physiotherapy and orthopedics. Advanced orthopedic research is distributed globally by our orthopedic research online journal, especially in the fields like sports medicine, pediatric orthopedics, arthroplasty, spine surgery, musculoskeletal research, etc.
This Orthopedic and Physiotherapy journal publishes articles on orthopedic research, orthopedic reviews, orthopedic case reports, orthopedic surgery, physiotherapy research, physiotherapy reviews, physiotherapy case reports, etc. The journal is indexed in Google Scholar, DOI and J-Gate. Orthopedic and physiotherapy articles can be freely accessed and downloaded by the readers, which eventually increases the impact factor.
Impact Factor for Journal: 0.25*
*2023 Journal Impact Factor was established by dividing the number of articles published in 2022 and 2021 with the number of times they are cited in 2022 and 2021 based on Google Scholar Citation Index database. If 'X' is the total number of articles published in 2022 and 2021, and 'Y' is the number of times these articles were cited in indexed journals during 2022 and 2021 then, journal impact factor = Y/X
The journal is intended to share and explore wide range of topics including but not limited to Acupuncture; Arthritis Physiotherapy; Arthroplasty; Arthroscopy; Bone and Joint Research; Bone fracture; Cardio Physiotherapy; Challenges and Complications of Orthopedic Surgery; Cryotherapy; Exercise Physiology; Fitness Training; Geriatric Physiotherapy; Hand Surgery; Limb Reconstruction Procedures; Musculoskeletal Interactions; Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics; Orthopaedic Oncology; Orthopedic Abnormalities and Corrective Surgery; Orthopedic Function and Mobility; Orthopedic Research; Orthopedic Therapy; Osteoarthritis; Osteophytes; Osteoporosis; Pediatric Orthopaedics; Physiotherapeutic Prognosis of Diseases, Other Bone Diseases and Disorders; Physiotherapy Aspects (Anatomical, Biomechanical, Physiological); Physiotherapy Techniques; Physiotherapy Treatment Modalities; Spine and Spinal Deformities; Sports Medicine; Sports Physiotherapy; Trauma.
Author(s): Jibran Ahmed Khan, Vipin KP, Mahtab AA, Anas A