Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders

Scientific Indexing Services ID: 6720

Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders is an international online peer reviewed open access journal with the ISSN 2381-201X. The Journal encompasses both clinical and medical research and is at the forefront to publish the standard excellence in diabetes and metabolic disorders. To prevent and cure diabetes, researchers with their cutting-edge research focus to develop new therapies to treat patients ensuring healthy lives besides educating and training next generation researchers.

This journal spans from the fundamental to advanced aspects of diabetes and metabolic disorders. Journal mainly stands to present the uniqueness alongside quality and visibility in publishing quality articles, with the support of diverse diabetes health care providers and endocrinologists as editors and reviewers. The published articles of the journal empower the current research and helps escalating better therapeutic opportunities. Editorial board members with their collaborative culture and creative spirit help flourish the journal.

Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders provide exceptional integrated healthcare experiences of diabetes health care providers, endocrinologists, researchers, scientists, physicians and experts. This published work is freely available for the readers. For the dissemination of this work, the journal is indexed in Google scholar, Scientific Indexing Services (SIS) and J-Gate and also a member of Crossref, ORCID and Publons. By accessing these articles, the scientists and researchers can advance their work. Accessing and downloading of the articles will increase the journal impact factor which is the calculating factor of the journal quality.

Impact Factor for Journal: 0.27*

*2022 Journal Impact Factor was established by dividing the number of articles published in 2021 and 2020 with the number of times they are cited in 2021 and 2020 based on Google Scholar Citation Index database. If 'X' is the total number of articles published in 2021 and 2020, and 'Y' is the number of times these articles were cited in indexed journals during 2021 and 2020 then, journal impact factor = Y/X

The wide arena of topics includes:

Acid-base Imbalance; Blood Sugar Levels; Calcium Metabolism Disorders; Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk; Daibetic Retinopathy; Diabetes and Vascular Disease; Diabetes Care and education; Diabetes Complications; Diabetes Diet; Diabetes Management; Diabetes Mellitus; Diabetes Treatment; Diabetic Ketoacidosis; Diabetic Nephropathy; Diabetic Neuropathy; Endocrine & Metabolic Disorders; Gestational Diabetes; Glucose Metabolism Disorders; Hyperglycemia; Hyperlipidemia; Hypoglycemia; Inherited Metabolic Disorders; Insulin Therapy; Lipid Metabolism Disorders; Malabsorption Syndromes; Metabolic Brain Diseases; Metabolic Dysfunction; Metabolic Syndrome X; Metabolic Syndrome; Neonatal Diabetes; Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases; Obesity and Diabetes; Pathogenesis of Diabetes; Prediabetes; Therapies for Diabetic Complications; Type 1 Diabetes; Type 2 Diabetes; Water-Electrolyte Imbalance.

Current Issue

Category: Clinical
Article Type: Review Article

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