Aims & Scope


The Journal of Emergency Medicine, Trauma and Surgical Care incorporates top notch articles with reference to cutting edge clinical care (diagnosis, management and disposition of individuals with acute illness and injury), trauma and the most advanced research to enhance the management of critically ill or injured patients. It plans to be an in-house coverage option for the enlistment of all the clinical obligations committed for instructing the occupants in surgery, trauma and emergency medicine.


The multiple faceted field of clinical research has brought about various clinical trials happening around, yet for effective management, he specialized and cognitive aspects of surgery need to be understood. The Journal of Emergency Medicine, Trauma and Surgical Care is one of the best platforms for the publishing of the advanced research and practice in all the fields of Emergency Medicine, Trauma and Surgical Care.

Herald Scholarly Open Access is a leading, internationally publishing house in the fields of Sciences. Our mission is to provide an access to knowledge globally.

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