Hospice & Palliative Medical Care

Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medical Care is an online international open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in the clinical, scientific, ethical and policy issues, local and international, regarding all aspects of hospice and palliative care for the dying and for those with profound suffering related to chronic illness. This journal considers articles in the related fields of hospice and palliative medicine which are scientifically sound and clinically relevant. Articles related to multidisciplinary care, end of life issues, pain and symptom management, psychosocial aspects, quality of care, and the like are appropriate for the Journal.

This journal acts as a connecting barrier between two different yet adjoining fields thereby providing a platform to encourage scientists to publish their experimental research in as much detail as possible. The Journal focuses on the psychiatric, psychosocial, spiritual, existential, ethical, and philosophical aspects of palliative care.

Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medical Care publishes papers on recent research and new ideas in counselling and treating patients with end of life issues. The articles published in this journal are freely available for the readers. For the dissemination of this research work, the journal is indexed in Google scholar, J-Gate, and also a member of Crossref, ORCID and Publons. Researchers, agronomists, crop engineers, scientists and readers advance their work, by accessing these articles. Accessing and downloading the articles will increase the journal impact factor which is the calculating factor of the journal quality.

Impact Factor for Journal: 0.59*

*2023 Journal Impact Factor was established by dividing the number of articles published in 2022 and 2021 with the number of times they are cited in 2022 and 2021 based on Google Scholar Citation Index database. If 'X' is the total number of articles published in 2022 and 2021, and 'Y' is the number of times these articles were cited in indexed journals during 2022 and 2021 then, journal impact factor = Y/X

Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medical Care covers different aspects of Palliative Care; Palliative Treatment; Terminal Care; Pain Management; Palliative Radiotherapy; Geriatric Medicine; Geriatric Syndromes; Hospice Care; Hospice Home Care; Hospice Family Care; Child Care; Palliative Care and Rehabilitation; Long-term Care; Supportive Care; Curative Care; Children's Hospice; Pregnancy and Child Birth - Mother Care; Paediatric Palliative Care; Health Care Quality; Mental Health Care; Multidisciplinary Care; Neurocritical Care; End of Life Issues; Pain and Symptom Management Psychosocial Aspects; Quality of Care; The Latest Medical Advances in Pain and Symptom Management; Evidence-Based Protocols; Model Palliative Care Programs; Clinical Case Reports; Guidance for Working with Patients and their Families; Psychological and Spiritual Aspects of End-Of-Life Care; Palliative Care in Geriatrics; Clinical Trials in Palliative Care

Current Issue

Category: Medical
Article Type: Research Article
Efficacy and Safety of Suvorexant in a Palliative Care Unit: A Retrospective, Single-Center Study

Author(s): Takefumi Nishimoto, Katayama K, Takahashi T, Kosaka H, Shimada R

Category: Medical
Article Type: Review Article
Category: Medical
Article Type: Research Article

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