Journal of Anesthesia & Clinical Care

Scientific Indexing Services ID: 5109

Journal of Anesthesia & Clinical Care is an international peer reviewed online multidisciplinary Journal with ISSN: 2378-8879. Anesthesia is one of the milestones in medicine which benefits patients with painless treatment and impossible to perform surgery without anesthesia application. This is one of the best examples for the advancement of modern medicine.

Anesthesia usage has been expanded significantly over the past decade during surgeries. Anesthesiologists, intensivists and pain medicine specialists ensure patient relief and safety during surgery with their pioneering skills and knowledge. The work presented by these specialists helps young anesthesiologists to improve their skills and research. This is the best forum to publish this research which enhances further research for patient health and well being.

Journal of Anesthesia & Clinical Care aims to promulgate the cutting edge research of anesthesia and clinical care. This is one of the prime platforms for the researchers and scholars to publish their work, where the readers can freely access the published work in periodicals. The periodicals of this journal are indexed in Google scholar, Scientific Indexing Services (SIS), J-Gate and also members of Crossref, ORCID and publons. Accessing and downloading the articles will increase the journal impact factor, as the impact factor is the evaluating factor for the journal quality.

Impact Factor for Journal: 1.24*

*2023 Journal Impact Factor was established by dividing the number of articles published in 2022 and 2021 with the number of times they are cited in 2022 and 2021 based on Google Scholar Citation Index database. If 'X' is the total number of articles published in 2022 and 2021, and 'Y' is the number of times these articles were cited in indexed journals during 2022 and 2021 then, journal impact factor = Y/X

Journal of Anesthesia & Clinical Care covers all the aspects of Advances in Anesthesia; Airway and Fluid Management; Ambulatory Care and Pain Control; Analgesia; Anesthesia Drugs; Anesthesia Management; Anesthesia Practice; Anesthesiology; Anesthetic administration; Anesthetic Agents; Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery; Cardiothoracic Anesthesia; Chronic and Surgical Pain; Chronic Non-malignant Pain (CNMP); Clinical Anesthesia; Complications of Anesthesia; Critical Care Medicine; Critical Nursing Care; Dental Anesthesia; Emergency Medicine; Epidural and Caudal Anesthesia; Ethical & Legal Aspects of Anesthesia Care; General Anesthesia; Hypnotics; Inhalational Anesthetics; Intensive Care; Intravenous Anesthesia; Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA); Local Anesthesia; lumbar Anesthesia; Mouth anesthesia; Narcotics; Nerve Blocks; Neuromuscular-Blocking Drugs; Neurosurgical Anesthesia; Nurse Anaesthetist (CRNA); Obstetric Anesthesia; Pain Management; Pain Therapeutics; Pediatric Anesthesia; Perioperative Care and Medicine; Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics; Regional Anesthesia; Saddle Anesthesia; Sedation; Sedatives; Spinal Anesthesia; Surgical Anesthesia; Tracheal Agenesis; Tracheal Atresia; Vascular Anesthesiology.

Current Issue

Category: Clinical
Article Type: Case Series
Management of Analgesia and One-Lung Ventilation for Thoracoscopic Lung Surgery in Infants

Author(s): Silvia Agrati, Andrea Crespi, Massimo Stella, Paolo Severgnini, Paladini Giuseppe, Giuseppe Musella, Andrea Luigi Ambrosoli

Category: Clinical
Article Type: Case Report
Airway Management with Tracheal Stents -Ventrain® System: Report of Two Cases

Author(s): Paulo A Cano Jiménez, M Gallego Fernández, L Brogi, F Barturen Fernández

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