Volume-7, Issue-4
Category: Aquaculture
Article Type: Research Article
Performance of a Mixed Rearing of Parachanna obscura (Gunther, 1861) Post-larvae and Natural Prey Dominated By Copepods and Rotifers in a Semi-Controlled Environment

Author(s): Nana Towa Algrient, Djuffo Fouocili Alida, Songmo Berlin-Léclair, Kengne Tonssi Joseph Emmanuel, Efole Ewoukem Thomas

Category: Aquaculture
Article Type: Research Article
The Impact of Diet on Amphipod, Parhyale Hawaiensis, Production

Author(s): Susan Laramore, Erica Albright, Carolyn M Sinacore

Category: Aquaculture
Article Type: Research Article

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